
Former Clay -accused county correction officer of sexual conduct with prisoner

Former Clay -accused county correction officer of sexual conduct with prisoner

Chloe Nord Mugshot

Moorhead, minn. (KVRR-KFGO)-a former Clay County correction officer accused of criminal sexual conduct is accused of having a sexual relationship with a prisoner while working in prison.

According to prosecutors, Chloe Nord from Fargo, 23, became romantic with the prisoner between November last year and the last day of work in January.

North is accused of exchanging messages with prisoner, including notes and a letter.

The detainees told investigators that the two were in a relationship they were planning to continue after leaving prison. The detainee says that on two occasions, North touched his penis through his pants as he passed the hygienic paper in his cell.

North refused physical contact, but acknowledged that he communicated with the prisoner. She says he “fell under his spell.”

The sheriff in Clay County, Mark Golking, said that he takes the problems of incorrect conduct and responds to the staff of the department when appropriate.

“Clay County became aware of a potential request for incorrect conduct after Mrs. North was no longer employed with the correctional installation. After finding out the charges, I immediately asked for an investigation to be launched. The staff of the correction facility has also notified the state license officials. After a thorough review of the investigative findings, the Clay County Prosecutor established that the accusations are justified, ”Falking said.

North, who was briefly employed as a Grand Forks police officer after his time with Clay County, is accused of two charges and is facing up to 10 years in prison.

Nord lives in Fargo and was booked in the Cass County prison.