
Woman Jefferson City accused of shooting during the argument

Woman Jefferson City accused of shooting during the argument

A woman in Jefferson City was in the prison in Cole County, after law enforcement said she shot a person.

On Friday, March 7, Jefferson City police have been called East Elm Street for a fired shot report.

The judicial documents claim that the victim was taken to the hospital for a shot wound.

The police say the person who fired the weapon, Skyler Allison, went to the police station to report the show.

The victim had a weapon wound that does not endanger life.

From the University Hospital, the victim said that Allison followed her and then shot her.

Allison told the police that the victim followed her, threatened her family and arrived in her vehicle with a large butcher’s knife.

The judicial documents state that the incident was caught in surveillance videos.

The documents said the video showed the victim approaching Allison’s vehicle with the knife.

They continue to explain that the two had a stand -stand outside the vehicle.

The documents claim that Allison shot the victim when they were going back away from Allison.

Prosecutors in Cole County accused Allison of firearm to a person, two charges of armed criminal action and second -degree attack.

She was held in the prison in Cole County unrelated.