
Police reveal that the family has lost the second son because of violence in case of wrong identity

Police reveal that the family has lost the second son because of violence in case of wrong identity

Thirteen people, including several teenagers, have been arrested for the stabbed death of Lino Atem, 24 years old, of which the police now believe that it is a tragic case of wrong identity.

Atem, whose older brother was shot two years ago, died after he and his friends were prepared in a park on the Wyndham Vale, in the West of Melbourne on the night of January 10.

Lino athem was attacked in a park in January.

Lino athem was attacked in a park in January.Credit: Facebook

A massive police operation that involved over 160 detectives performed mandates in 12 suburbs on Tuesday, at the beginning of time, with the police now interviewing those accused.

The interim inspector of the Victoria police detective, Adam Shoessmith, said that Lino Atem has simply socialized in the park when it was attacked.

“While we believe that this incident was targeted, there is nothing to indicate why the group was attacked and the police believe that it is probably a wrong identity case,” said the interim inspector of the Victoria Police Detective, Adam Shoesmith, in a statement.

“We know that there are people who can help us identify those responsible. Persons who could have been present at the time of the incident or persons who could hear information about these incidents. Whatever this information is – the police want to hear it.

A criminal officer at the place of the crime.

A criminal officer at the place of the crime.Credit: Luis Enrique Asce

“We cannot imagine how difficult it has to be for the ATM family, knowing that there are people who could help solve this and take into account the killers of the loved one and yet choose not.”

The search warrants were in Aintree, Deer Park, Manor Lakes, Sanshine West, Albanvale, Mornington, Werribee, Deanside, Hoppers Crossing, Melton South, Keilor and Braybrook.