
The Beach Beach party, “Long Lost documentary from Cameron Crowe, Paramount+ launches

The Beach Beach party, “Long Lost documentary from Cameron Crowe, Paramount+ launches

“Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party”, Cameron Crowe’s long -term documentary, Paramount+ launches

Today, March 11, The Tom Petty Estate opened the icon vault Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party. The 1983 film directed by Cameron Crowe was coveted by fans from his transient premiere for his intimate vision, with Petty’s Height’s free wheels. Over 40 years later, the documentary is finally available for a global audience, supplemented with a lot of bonus content that is never seen.

Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party was filmed with the band during the completion of the studio, promotion and tourist cycle for Long after dark in 1982. This behind the scenes account from the directory Almost famous, Jerry Maguire and Pearl Jam Twenty It was presented once on MTV in February 1983 before being kept and forgotten. The original 16 mm bands of the mythical film were discovered last year and meticulously remissed along with 20 minutes by unseen live performances, Crowe interviews to create a strong capsule of the Time Trailblazer Heartland Rock.

The Heartbreakers beach party I occupy a special place in my heart, “Crowe said in a statement. “Tom Petty and Heartbreakers leaned in making the film with a kind of hilarious honesty, which still feels fresh forty years later. It was also my first experience as a director. Thanks to Adria Petty and The Petty Estate, along with our co-films Danny Bramson, Phil Svenick, Doug Dowdle and Greg Mariotti, we bring him back into all his reckless glory. I am particularly happy to add a postscript with the exit materials never seen that I have always appreciated. The fact that the original film was removed from the MTV after a single broadcast shows that it was and is still an extravagant holiday for fans in the best ways. Return it !! “

Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party is now available exclusively through Paramount+. Read more about the movie and the extended remster last year Long after dark Here. Follow a new trailer for the documentary below.