
The lawyer of the Department of Justice says she has been dismissed on Mel Gibson’s weapon rights

The lawyer of the Department of Justice says she has been dismissed on Mel Gibson’s weapon rights

A pardon lawyer at the justice department claims to be fired after refusing to restore Mel GibsonThe rights of the weapon.

In a story published Monday, Former US Winter Prosecutor Elizabeth G. Oyer said New York Times That she was fired on Friday because she refused to recommend Gibson to be allowed to wear a gun again, after the actor and the filmmaker lost her rights following a 2011 condemnation of domestic violence. or confirmed the reasons for Oyer’s dismissal with other sources familiar with the problem.

In an interview with orOyer set the calendar that led to its dismissal from Doj, revealing that two weeks ago he was part of a working group in charge of restoring the rights of weapons to a group of people with beliefs. It is said that the working group has compiled a list of 95 candidates who were eligible to reinstall their weapons. This list was subsequently reduced to nine persons by the Deputy Prosecutor General’s Office Todd Blanche. On Thursday, Oyer followed directives to submit a memo project that supports for the restoration of weapons rights for these nine people.

or Reports that Blanche’s office then made a request to add Mel Gibson to the memory. The request was attached was a letter from January written by Gibson’s lawyers to two senior officials of the Justice Department, arguing that the actor’s weapons are restored. The letter stressed that Gibson was touched by Trump as a “special ambassador” in Hollywood and also quoted his successful film career. The letter of Gibson’s lawyers added that the actor has recently tried to buy a gun, but was refused because of his sentence of domestic violence.

In 2011, Gibson did not plead any competition at the Superior Court in Los Angeles, for an accusation of offenses to beat a former girlfriend.

Oyer says or She found the request to add Gibson about that unlike the other cases the working group had looked, she did not know as much about the actor’s case. “Giving weapons back to domestic abusers is a serious problem that, in my opinion, is not something I could recommend, because there are real consequences that have from people who have a history of domestic violence,” said Oyer.

Oyer sent a memo to her bosses from the Justice Department, that she could not recommend that Gibson restore her weapons. Hours later, in a phone call, she was asked by a superior man if her position was “flexible” in this problem and she replied that it was not.

“He explained to me, in essence, that Mel Gibson has a personal relationship with President Trump and that it should be enough to make a recommendation and that I would be wise to make the recommendation,” said Oyer, adding that the call has been friendly to intimidation. She acknowledged that she would think more about this problem. On Friday, Oyer sent through E -mail to his bosses that he was in the end, he was in front of the Attorney General to make a decision in this regard, but she still ceased to recommend Gibson to restore his weapon rights.

Later Friday, Gibson was informed that she was fired. “This is dangerous. This is not political – this is a safety problem, ”said Oyer or.