
Pope Francis, Argentine bishops express solidarity with flood victims

Pope Francis, Argentine bishops express solidarity with flood victims

Pope Francis and the Catholic Church in Argentina expressed solidarity with the victims of floods in the city of Bahía Blanca located in the province of Buenos Aires.

In addition to prayers, the Catholic Church in Argentina sent material aid Bahía Blanca, who suffered severe floods on Friday, after 16 centimeters of rain fell in just a few hours. So far, 16 deaths have been reported, over 900 people have been evacuated and significant damages have been reported.

On a Monday telegram, Pope Francis sent a message of hope and solidarity for the community HITs through Archbishop Carlos Azpiroz Costa, OP, from Bahía Blanca.

“Removed to find out about the natural disaster that affects the Bahía Blanca region, which resulted (resulted) so many victims and material damage, offer fervent prayers for the eternal rest of the deceased,” said the Holy Father in his message.

He also ensured the spiritual proximity to the population, imploring the Lord to “grant comfort to the grieving and to all those who suffer in these moments of pain and uncertainty” and prayed that the Lord may “support with His grace” all those who are committed to seek to disappear and the process of reconstructing the area “.

Finally, Pope Francis assured his prayers to our lady, so that she should intervene for those affected and send her apostolic blessing.

The Executive Committee of the Conference of the Argentine bishops stated that he shared “the pain and uncertainty of our brothers and sisters from Bahía Blanca, asking the Lord to mitigate the anguish of those who have been affected in different ways.”

They also prayed that the Lord would “strengthen the volunteers in their dedication to take care of the lives of their brothers and sisters” and prayed for the intercession of our lady, the owner of the Archbishop Bahía Blanca.

Azpiroz and his auxiliary bishop, Pedro Fournau, addressed the people “in these hours of anxiety” through which the city goes.

“We want to be with those who suffer the most of the consequences of the storm: to ensure our prayers for each of the victims of this flood and to be close to those who have lost a loved person, those who still cannot find where a family member or those who saw their houses and had to evacuate.

The bishops asked God to grant comfort and “support the spirit of all to be floated together” and encouraged the population to trust the Lord and to offer “all the pain, uncertainty, fear or powerlessness” in their hearts.

They also asked for “mutual help of compassion” at this time. “In the midst of the storm, we want to say with you: we are not alone, God goes with us and never abandon us!” they exclaimed.

Caritas Argentina immediately launched a campaign to approach emergency situations. A donation can be made to This link.

This story was published for the first time From here, the news partner in the Spanish of the CNA. Was translated and adapted by the CNA.