
The Plainview man sentenced to 17 years for cases of theft and theft

The Plainview man sentenced to 17 years for cases of theft and theft

A PlainView man was sentenced to 17 years in the Illinois correction department for several cases of theft and theft, announced Macoupin State lawy, Jordan Garrison.

Dustin M. Luketich pleaded guilty for an accusation of burglary, a theft of government property and acknowledged that he had violated his probation with an accusation of burglary.

The honorable Joshua A. Meyer accepted the seven -year sentences for three years for the case and seven years for the case, ordering him to run in a row.

Luketthi was granted preventive release in accordance with the Law on safety, responsibility, correctness and own capital (Safe-T law) in April 2024.

While monitored by Chris Robinson, an employee of the State Preventive Services Office, Lukettic’s ankle monitor indicated his presence at Mina Shay, where several thefts were reported.

The preventive risk officer, Robinson, reported this information to Lieutenant Detective Ryan Dixon of the Macoupin County Sheriff.

Lt. Dixon, together with Detective As Bentley, deputy Jacob Zimmer and Deputy Aj Chapman, responded on the spot. Detective Bentley located on Lukettich and another suspect inside a mine building and placed it in arrest. A weapon was recovered from the spot. Lukettich acknowledged at burglary during an interview.

“Due to the activity of collaborating the Office for State Preventive Services and Sheriff’s Sheriff Shawn Kahl, Macoupin County, was arrested,” Garrison said. “This is another example of how Macoupin County’s law enforcement will use all the tools available to keep citizens safe, regardless of the type of preventive detention system.”

Garrison also expressed gratitude to the lawyer of Kyle Frericks assistant, Chris Goshleff, and former deputy Larry Rayburn police officer in the other issues in which Luketich was sentenced.