
Father is taking a process in the death of three men

Father is taking a process in the death of three men


A member of the family of one of Three fans of football boss in Kansas City Find dead last year outside of a house in Missouri filed a wrong death process in relation to the case.

Civil costume comes on heel accusations that were filed against two men After Ricky Johnson, David Harrington and Clayton McGeeney died on January 7, 2024, outside the suburban house in Kansas City, the Kansas City suburban, where they gathered to watch an NFL game.

Prosecutors accused Jordan Willis last Wednesday, 39 years old, and Ivory Carson, 42, with distributing a controlled substance and involuntary murder in relation to his death. Johnson38, Harrington37 and McGeeney36 years old, who died last year at a house that Willis rented, according to a probable statement filed by the Kansas City Police Department.

The case attracted the national attention, because the cause of the deaths of the fans was wrapped in mystery. Judicial registers said on Wednesday that men have died from the toxic effects of fentanyl and cocaine.

The 11 -page process was deposited on Friday in Jon Harrington at the circuit court.

The trial claims that Willis and Carson “knew or, by using a reasonable degree of care, should have known about the presence of fentanil and about the dangers and dangers he presented, including the possibility of being lethal for anyone who could ingest it.”

“It’s not responsible”

Willis’s lawyer in Kansas City, John Picerno, stressed his client’s innocence in a statement to USA Today.

“Jordan claims that he is not responsible for the purchase or supply of drugs that led to the death of his three friends,” Picerno said.

Picerno previously said USA Today that Willis is a 38 -year -old scientist who lives alone and works remotely for a hospital in New York. Since then he has moved from the house he rented, Picerno said.

Picerno previously said USA Today his client has nothing to do with deaths.

“He had no knowledge that they remained in his yard or they needed medical assistance,” Picerno said. “If he had known, he would certainly have asked for help.”

The bodies of men found out after freezing temperatures

According to Kansas City police, officers discovered the bodies Two days after men met to follow one heads game against Los Angeles Chargers.

On the night of the game, the temperatures dropped to 29 degrees, informed the National Weather Service.

About 48 hours later, the police reported, the officers received a call from McGeeney’s fiancé, who said he visited the house after he had not heard from him. When no one answered the door, she broke inside and found a corpse behind the property. When the officers arrived, they found two other dead men in the yard.

The costume requires a jury process, as well as the damages of over $ 25,000 from each defendant.

Natalie Neysa Alund is a senior reporter for USA Today. Reach it at [email protected] and follow it on x @nataliealund.