
New offers at Senior Center Boost Movement, Balance, Creativity and Connections

New offers at Senior Center Boost Movement, Balance, Creativity and Connections

by Kate Evans

The older life services in Morgan County have new activities, programs and special events for the elderly aged 60 and older. Their main location- Berkeley Springs Senior Center- is located at 106 Sand me Road Suite 1 of the former US Silica building. The facility is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 16:00 the building is accessible by handicap.

Brenda Morgan, Senior Life Services of Morgan Life Enrichment Activity Coordinator in the main location of the elderly life services in Berkeley Springs, said that the menu offered for older residents, bridge, isometric exercises, crafts, biblical study, water painting, water circus and circus. Offers continue to change in the center.

Bingo takes place on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Morgan said that the elderly loves their bingo. The sewing circle is free. They will make sewing repairs and repair of zippers. Senior Life Services is looking for donations of sewing machines to support their efforts.

On Monday there are craftsmen in which the elderly make crafts using consumables they have at hand or who are donated, Morgan said. Some 10-20 Crafters come to join the craft activities.

Morgan said the center offers exercise options for the elderly five days a week. On Monday and Wednesday, instructor Michelle Gomez leads isometric exercises and Drumball. The walk easily (interior or outdoor walking with stretching and balance exercises) is Tuesday.

Volunteer Laura Falcon leads the Yoga president with seniors every Wednesday at 10:30

Morgan teaches Tai Chi for arthritis on Thursday. The dance from the beginning and intermediary takes place on Friday.

Morgan is certified to teach Tai Chi for arthritis and prevention of falls and to go easily. Their class instructors are certified volunteers, she said.

The Senior Center also has fitness equipment that the elderly can use on their own, including an elliptical bicycle, a stationary bicycle and a running lane. All classes are free and open for seniors.

Future events

A paint day takes place on Saturday, March 22, with the instructor Amanda Malcolm as a fundraiser. The C center had only a raising of dance funds for Lasagna Dinner, with Morgan County line, with a silent auction.

The Berkeley Springs Senior Center also offers vegetable soup, chili and pepper rolls in March, as funds.

Book club, open microphone

The book club “The Page Turners” starts at Berkeley Springs Senior Center on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30 with Ceryl Webber. There is also a loan library in which older people can consult books, bring them back or replace them with other books.

There is a Potluck/microphone open on the last Tuesday of each month, at 4:00 pm, some come from Hancock and Pennsylvania to perform. Many seniors just come to listen, Morgan said. It has a very good presence of 15-30 people, she said.

There is a monthly birth party where sponsors bring cupcakes, ice cream and balloons. The CEOs host the Birth party in March which has a theme of St. Patrick’s Day.

She said that all kinds of games and puzzles that people can play are at hand.

Special assemblies

Knitwits meet every Thursday from 10 to 12:00 at noon to work on knitting and crocheting projects for community groups. They meet outdoors in the summer. Special events take place in the new pavilion of the Senior Center.

A tea for ladies is scheduled for May 9. Last year, 75 women participated in tea. This year Morgan expects at least 100 women to be there.

Morgan said he will be served as a life -ranging coordinator for two years of this year.

She mentioned that it is not the same senior center as two years ago – it is more like a country club for senior adults. More people come and about 20-40 people come to noon, where they were 10-20 people before. Were recognized by the state for video activities and records.


The hot lunch tables are offered daily at the Berkeley Springs Center at 11:45 I have the Paw Paw Senior Center is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM.-1: 30 PM, with lunch served daily at 11:30 am

Lunch is also served at 11:30 every Wednesday at the Greenwood School Community Center in 8989 Winchester Grade Road, Morgan said. I also send meals to the Pleasant View Community Center twice a month.

The elderly at home can get healthy meals, delivered from home, who do not need training.

A multitude of services

Other services provided by senior life services are home care programs for seniors, veterans, seniors with dementia/Alzheimer’s and injury care.

The agency has a loan cabinet for medical equipment that includes donated wheelchairs, sticks, walks and bedside toilets.

Also, the elderly can receive help with the coverage of medicine insurance and medical assistance.

Morgan said they offer free vision tools for people who are visually challenged.

Also, the Senior Center renting space for birth parties and family meetings.

Senior Life Services offers transportation for the elderly people from Berkeley Springs to and from Berkeley Springs Center for lunch, as well as transport to medical appointments that are not urgent.

Travel opportunities

Senior Life Services has a day trips that they make on shopping seniors, dinner theaters and museum visits.

The agency also plans longer travel, which this year includes a trip from Kentucky Bourbon at the end of April and a cruise from Alaskan, a picturesque rail and terrestrial trip, exploring Denali National Park, Glacier Bay National Park and Hubbard Glacier June 25 and 11 days.

“We are trying to do fun things to make them come back,” Morgan said. New offers at Senior Center Boost Movement, Balance, Creativity and Connections

Volunteers are always necessary to help their senior centers, whether they deliver meals or help crafts, around the building or in the kitchen, Morgan said. Volunteers teach courses, make programs and activities and deliver meals.

“Everyone is very caring and compassionate. We only love our seniors, “said Morgan.

For more information about the senior life services in Morgan County and their programs and services, call 304-258-3096.