
New Survey: Americans dealing with Economy Management by Trump

New Survey: Americans dealing with Economy Management by Trump

By the center for American progress

Photos: YouTube screenshots

Washington, DC – Today, CNN has been launched New poll Leaded by SSRS between March 6 and 9, 2025 shows that voters are strongly opposed to the management of the economy by President Donald Trump.

The survey comes as the stock market collapses and the most important traders of the nation (including Walmart, Aimand Kohl’s) and airlines (Delta, Americanand South -West) I reproduce the guidance before, citing a weak demand determined by the macroeconomic uncertainty and the decrease of consumers’ confidence.

The new CNN survey finds:

  • 56 percent of the voters disapprove of the economy handling, worse than at any time in his first term.
  • The disapproval of the economy management by Trump is even higher than its general disapproval rating (54 percent).
  • Only 39 percent of Americans approve the manipulation of tariffs.

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