
7 men in Japan were arrested for sexually abused their daughters, sharing porn for children in group chat

7 men in Japan were arrested for sexually abused their daughters, sharing porn for children in group chat

Seven men in Japan They were arrested for sexual abuse of minors, including their own daughters and sharing child pornography, according to the local media.
The Aichi Prefecture Police of Central Japan said the suspects, in 30 – 50 years, committed penetrating sexual aggression Against minor women, Mainichi News reported, citing anonymous sources of investigation.

It was believed that four suspects filmed and shared videos in a group chat, while another three were proven to have similar materials.

The arrests took place between November and March.

All the suspects confessed the accusations, according to Chukyo TV.

An expert said that such crimes were difficult to discover and were often overlooked, because the members of the close family committed them. Photo: Shutterstock
An expert said that such crimes were difficult to discover and were often overlooked, because the members of the close family committed them. Photo: Shutterstock

In accordance with Japanese legislation, anyone who is engaged in sexual relations with women under 13 are experiencing at least five years in prison. In addition, the production, provision or possession of child pornography is punished by up to three years in prison or a fine of 3 million years ($ 20,000).