
The Toronto woman advocates guilty of negligence in the dog attack against the child

The Toronto woman advocates guilty of negligence in the dog attack against the child

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A Toronto woman who faced multiple accusations in a dog attack that seriously injured a child was guilty for some of them, including an criminal accusation of negligence.

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The judicial registrations show that Patrycja Siarek entered the pleadings in a Toronto Tribunal last Friday.

She was also accused of crimes under the law of liability of provincial dog owners and the Toronto Municipal Code.

Siaren was arrested about a year ago, after an off-law dog bitten and dragged a child in a park in Toronto, leaving the child with what the police described as wounds that can change life.

Meanwhile, the dog was taught at Toronto Animal Services. A city spokesman confirmed that the dog was euthanized in August last year, while Siank’s other dogs were recommended.

The judicial documents in a separate case showed that Siaren and her partner have previously aroused several complaints to a Toronto condominium for the behavior of their dogs, which were then labeled “dangerous” by the city.

The documents have shown that the two American pocket bats were ordered to be kept bitten in public areas, but the orders were ignored, and a court in Ontario believed that Siaren and her partner are “irresponsible” owners.

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The Toronto woman advocates guilty of negligence in the dog attack against the child

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