
Harvard doctors sue Trump to eliminate LGBTQ+ Health Research

Harvard doctors sue Trump to eliminate LGBTQ+ Health Research

Two doctors at Harvard Medical School sued the Trump administration for eliminating their research from a website administered by the Government, the American Civil Freedom Union said on Wednesday.

The research was previously in the patient’s safety network, a federal website for doctors and medical researchers to share information on medical errors, wrong diagnoses and results of patients, ACL said in a statement.

Two articles, one called “endometriosis: a common and common diagnosis missed and delayed”, the other called “multiple missed opportunities for suicide risk assessment in the emergency and primary care environment”, were eliminated from the patient’s safety network.

The initial article, co-author of the applicant Dr. Celeste Royce, had a sentence on the diagnosis in transgender and non-compliant persons, said ACLU. The other article, co-author of the applicant Dr. Gordon Schiff, incorporated a sentence on the increased risk in the LGBTQ+communities.

“This type of wholesale removal, based on non, endangers the safety of all,” Schiff said in the statement. “Censorship of information about transgenal people or anyone who does not like them, who have documented the increased risks of negative health results, is antithetical even in the mission of public health. It also has a clear corrugation effect on each patient, whose doctors are not able to examine the unbelieving information on how to take better care for all. “

President Donald Trump signed an executive order in January, shortly after taking over the position, which guided the federal agencies to remove all the statements that “promote or defend the gender ideology”, the ACLU statement states.

This was followed by guidance issued by the Personal Management Office, who told the agencies “(