
Texas couple, of $ 80,000 ShopLifting tulle, short cut

Texas couple, of $ 80,000 ShopLifting tulle, short cut

A husband and wife went over board in a shopping radius, after jumping from one retail shop to another, putting along the way.

Actually the two He was assumed to stole a combined $ 85,000 in goods from Texas stores.

Bonnie and Clyde discount in Texas

According to one Facebook post from the College Station Police DepartmentEven before 6:00 pm, on March 5, the officers responded to a tip about a spouse and wife wanted to shop from various stores, including Walgreens, Texas.

Because the couple seemed to be in a blow from Walgreens, law enforcement were prepared, posting police in various locations at the College station. Then, here, the couple presented to one of the locations of Walgreens, as planned, and both the husband and the wife were detained. Each was identified and confirmed as the desired duo in the plan.

After their arrest, the police recovered 882 stolen items around $ 10,000… just from Walgreens!

Forget -a full Facebook post from College Station PD:

It turns out that each husband had several active mandates for their arrest. For example, wife, Maria Stoican, had seven mandates In addition to the failure to identify the fugitive:

  • Theft of properties greater than $ 100, less than $ 750 – Burleson PD
  • Ownership of $ 750 less than $ 2500 – EULESS PD
  • Theft of property with $ 100 less than $ 750 – PD grapevine
  • Theft of property with $ 100 less than $ 750 – Harris County So
  • ShopLifting with False ID – Rockford PD
  • Active mandate from Sacramento County, as
  • Retail selling theft – Will County, il

Maria’s husband, Stoican emmanualHe had a mandate from Harris County for theft between $ 100 and $ 750, as well as additional marijuana holding fees.

But stay, there are more …

This story would not be complete without a twisting of the plot. You see, Stoican had two children a child and a 2-year-old child-who were with them during their father’s shopping!

Both children were sent to the child protection services, because the husband and wife are experiencing accusations.

A look at the life and crimes of each woman on Texas Death Row

Texas Death Row currently has seven women waiting to be executed. Here is a look at the shocking and brutal crimes for which they were convicted for landing for the needle.

Credit Gallery: Renee Raven

Causes of death in Texas

According to the Center for Disease Control or CDC, here is a list of the main causes of death in Texas.

Credit Gallery: Billy Jenkins