
Blackfoot man convicted after targeting the police gun during high -speed pursuit

Blackfoot man convicted after targeting the police gun during high -speed pursuit

Blackfoot-a man Blackfoot was convicted of his involvement in a high-speed chase in December 2023, after he and a woman deviated from the police and showed a weapon to law enforcement.

Antonio Ray Sesma-Lopez, 24 years old, was initially accused of two charges of appeal on an officer for the law; aggravated crime attack with a deadly weapon; destroying the crime, modifying or hiding evidence; holding the crime of a controlled substance; the use or possession of offenses with the intention to use drug parafernal; offenses of resistance or obstruction of the officers; and an improvement of the crime for the use of a deadly weapon in committing an offense.

He accepted a pleading agreement on June 27, where, in exchange for a guilty plea of ​​the accusations aggravated by the battery and detention, the rest will be dismissed.

Related | Blackfoot locals were arrested after showing the weapon to the officer during high -speed pursuit

The 24 -year -old was sentenced Monday by the judicial district judge, Darren B. Simpson, to two and a half years fixed and four and a half indefinite.

22 -year -old Jessyka GoodRider from Blackfoot was arrested in this incident. She was accused of a crime that circumvented a police officer, holding the crime of a controlled substance, destroying the crimes of evidence and holding the crimes of drug parafernal.

She also accepted a plea agreement to plead guilty for circumventing and holding an accusation of controlled substance. This rejected the possession of drug parafernal and destroying the charges of evidence.

However, according to the minutes of his conviction on April 24, Goodridider did not appear and a mandate was issued for his arrest.


On December 29, 2023, around 11 pm, an officer with the Blackfoot Police Department initiated a traffic stop on a Black 2008 Chevrolet on West Bridge Street.

While the officer approached the car, he moved away, making his way to the state highway 39.

Several deputies of the sheriff in Bingham County responded with the officer and watched the car, reaching speeds up to 100 mph.

The officer said he saw a passenger to get a arm and target a black pistol to his patrol car.

The court of the court states that the officer had a passenger who threw himself down to avoid being intended for the gun. This caused the officer to slow down and move away from the chase, leaving the deputies to take over.

Deputies said the car passengers throw objects from the car near 1100 West 300 South.

The document states that the deputies held peak strips and a pit maneuver when the officer got back to finish the chase.

After the occupants were arrested, Goodridider received several doses of narcan, while admitting that he had swallowed methamphetamine before the chase was completed.

The woman told the officers that Sesma-Lopez was the driver and had the weapon. The document does not state if a weapon was found on the spot.

Returning to the area where the occupants threw objects from the car, the officer found several cans.

A search for Sesma-Lopez’s person has led to finding a methane pipe and a large amount of cash.

A car search has produced a broken glass pipe, a purse, various drug parafernal objects, a plastic makeup bag containing a large amount of white substance and more alcohol containers.

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