
“No one should be afraid of their safety when they do their job”

“No one should be afraid of their safety when they do their job”

Damage caused at the door of Millbrook market on Kennedy Plaza in Navan.

Workers from a Navan business, who are regularly harassed by a group of young people who threaten them, and shopping have said that it is time to open “the conversation around what can be done to make Navan again.”

The staff on the Millbrook market on Kennedy Plaza was left shaken and upset after the last incident in which the young people who were removed from the store, kicked in the glass door, around 3:00 pm, last week.

It was not an isolated incident and say they have constantly having problems with the same group of teenagers who come to the store and that other businesses in the area have faced similar problems.

Michaela Gutu, who works on the Millbrook market was so frustrated by the latest incident that she took on Facebook to highlight what happened.

She wrote: “This evening, my job in Navan was targeted and violently destroyed by three young people. The reason I say is targeted is due to the fact that there are female whole. These robbers threatened and broke the glass on the staff.

“The girls who worked there were absolutely terrified and sincere, as many others working in the area.

“This is not only one incident, but about how Navan has become uncertain because of the actions of a small group of young criminals who have no respect for businesses, workers or community. No one should be afraid of their safety just to do their job.

“We need more protection, more responsibility and real actions to stop this to happen again. It is time to stay together and make Navan again. ” After highlighting the threatening behavior personnel from the grocery store, many people offered support messages, and Michaela said they are very grateful to their clients and the local community for this support.

She said they had so many incidents with the same group of young people, but they just move away from it. “These flames want a reaction. They knew they were prevented and the girls were trying to get them out of the store and, as they left, she was trying to close the door and ran to her and broke it.

“You just don’t know what they will do next – if they pick up a piece of glass and throw it at you.”

She said she came about an hour later and said they would look for them around the city, but Michaela says it would have been at home for a long time.

“I wrote the post from frustration. Something has to be done. “

Michaela said about a year ago, Gardai patrolled the area for a period and things settled but returned as bad as never now

“We need to open the conversation about what can be done more to make Navan safer for all enterprises and individuals. No one should feel uncertain just to come to work.

“It is not the first time we had problems like this and, to be honest, it becomes a real concern for us, not only as a business, but as a team of people who love to work here and serve our community.

“We are a small business, with a small team, with everything feminine, some of them being quite young. Incidents of this kind let us all feel shaken and is not the type of environment we want for our staff or our customers. “

Another business in the area, Boyds had similar problems and had to prevent the same group of young people because of antisocial behavior. The manager, Michal Lisiecki, said that the group involves children aged 12 or 13, who have “absolutely any respect for anyone or nothing”.

Now he refuses to leave these young people in the store and, if I see them outside, I ask them to leave the area.

He said they would shout and yell at them, but said they have members of the male staff, so they will not dare to do as they did on the Millbrook market.

“A few years ago, there were the same problems with West Street in Drugheda and since Grăii started to patrol the area more, it is much safer. In general, summer is worse. Children walk with nothing to do and try to impress their friends. “

He also told how at one stage there was a competition or daring to go around one of the schools to shop from Boyds. “Children who have never done so before did it and I had parents who came to apologize. Children have nothing to do outside the school and this is a problem that must be addressed. “

Gardaii confirmed that he is investigating an incident of criminal damages on the Millbrook market on March 5.