
Voting and Action Rights Company capital | 13.03.25

Voting and Action Rights Company capital | 13.03.25

In accordance with articles L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and 223-16 of the General Regulation of the French Authority of the Financial Market (Funders Authorité des Marchés)

Paris, March 13, 2025 (Globe Newswire) –

Paris, France, March 13, 2025
Square: Euronext Paris / Nasdaq
Euronext compartment: B.
ISIN code: FR0011341205
Nasdaq: nbtx
Bloomberg: nano: fp

Date Number of outstanding actions Total number of voting rights
Total voting rights,
Total voting rights,
February 28, 2025 47.426.851 49.207.475 49.185.357

About Nanobiotix

Nanobiotix is ​​a late -stage clinical biotechnology company, disturbing therapeutic approaches, based on physics, to revolutionize the results of the treatment for millions of patients; supported by people employed to make a difference for humanity. The philosophy of the company is rooted in the concept of overcoming the limits of what is known to extend the possibilities for human life.

Incorporated in 2003, Nanobiotix is ​​headquartered in Paris, France and is listed on Euronext Paris in 2012 and on the Global Nasdaq selection market in New York 2020. The company has branches in Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States), among other locations.

Nanobiotix is ​​the owner of over 25 patents associated with three (3) nanotechnology platforms with applications in 1) Oncology; 2) bioavailability and biodistribution; and 3) disorders of the central nervous system.

For more information about nanobiotix, visit it at or follow LinkedIn and Twitter.


Department of Communications
Brandon Owens
VP, communications
+1 (617) 852-4835
[email protected]
Department of Relations with Investors
Craig West
SVP, relationships with investors
+1 (617) 583-0211
[email protected]
Media relationships
France – Hardy
Caroline Hardy
+33 06 70 33 49 50
[email protected]
Global – Lifesci councilors
Kevin Gardner
+1 (617) 283-2856
[email protected]


The total number of theoretical (or “gross”) voting rights is used as a basis for calculating the threshold passes. In accordance with Article 223-11 of the general regulations of the AMF, this number is calculated on the basis of all actions to which the voting rights are attached, including those for which the voting rights have been suspended.

The total number of physical exercises at the Meeting of Shareholders (or “Net”) is calculated without taking into account the actions for which the voting rights have been suspended as shares held in the treasury by the company. It is released to ensure that the public is properly informedD.