
What is premenstrual syndrome? Know 9 common PM symptoms and prevention tips

What is premenstrual syndrome? Know 9 common PM symptoms and prevention tips

Do you know what PMS is? Hormonal changes that occur in women before menstruation are called pre-monstrual syndrome (PMS). Say the 9 common symptoms of PMS.

There are many problems related to women’s health, which is not spoken of openly. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) is also one of them. Women should face physical and mental changes before menstruation, called PMS.

This problem begins especially a week or two before menstruation and lasts until the first or day of periods. Sometimes it is normal, but for some women, it can cause serious problems.

What is PMS-premestrual syndrome?

PMS or pre-Menstrual syndrome is a condition in which women experience many physical, mental and emotional changes before menstruation. This is due to hormonal changes, and its symptoms may vary from woman to woman.

Feeling irritable

It is used to having mood changes before periods. During this time, women can become irritable in terms of small things.

Stress and anxiety

During PMS, more stress and anxiety can be experienced. During this time, negative thoughts come even more in mind.

Fatigue and lethargy

Women feel very tired during this period. Due to lack of energy, they feel lazy throughout the day.

Difficulty concentration

It may be difficult to focus on studies or work. Brain fog and confusion can be felt.

It annoys you

During this time, anger appears quickly and can be difficult to control emotions.

Swings of disposition

Suddenly to feel very happy and then become immediately sad is a very common symptom of PMS.

Sleep problems

Some women sleep longer during this time, while some have difficulty sleeping.

Feeling -hopeless

Depressed feeling, lack of interest in life and feeling alone are also symptoms of PMs.

Lack of interest in normal activities

Not being interested in work or nothing and not feeling that talking to friends can be a part of this problem.

How is premenstrual syndrome handled?

  • Balanced diet: Take a healthy diet, which includes green vegetables, fruits and proteins.
  • Yoga and exercise: Making an easy daily workout improves mood.
  • Sleep well: make a habit sleep at the right time.
  • Reduce stress: Stress can be reduced by meditation and breathing exercises.
  • Drink enough water: it is very important to stay hydrated.

PMS is a common condition in women, but sometimes its symptoms can be severe. In such a situation, it can be managed by changing the lifestyle and by taking proper care. If the symptoms grow too much, then it is important to consult a doctor.

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