
Some of us will never be in the morning people no matter what time it is | Nancy Eshelman

Some of us will never be in the morning people no matter what time it is | Nancy Eshelman

A lot of people felt in the center this week as a result of watches that jumped an hour before. In most days, they do not “do” mornings, so bursting before and falling back have a low impact on me.

Then, one day this week, this happened: three people called me between 8:30 and 8:45, which are about two calls than normally, they normally arrive all day.

We are not a group of calls, friends and family. We mainly text. So the phone that sounds really dresses me. Three times he felt the earthquake.

Before sending me a message to suggest to stop my phone or ringtone, to know that I spent my life by raising children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. If (the sky forbids) an emergency, guess who sounds, day or night. So make my business available.

The morning of the trio of sad rings, such as the icing on the cake, my foods reached 9. I could swear that I marked the delivery from 1 to 14:00, but the smiling type of delivery, bags in hand, continued to hit the front door. (What a view waited for him!) Then, with the eye covers, I threw myself into the kitchen to rearrange the objects in the freezer.

Even the cat seemed embarrassed by my appearance.

I can’t be civil at 9 in the morning, it’s not in my nature. I am a type of person standing, sleeping. Often, you will find me at 2 I will argue with me if I had to watch only one episode of whatever I sent on television.

While my doctors offices know not to schedule me before noon, a group of friends of my lady insists on meeting at 11:30 for lunch! In most days, I didn’t eat breakfast until then. But every 30 days, I pull my clothes and stumble on, proving how much I like.

(Here is a funny one: I now call them ladies of friends because after I mentioned one day, I had lunch with my friend, one of the youngest in the family a 9-year-old told his mother that he never realized that his grandmother was gay. He heard “girlfriend” and assumed.

Anyway, I decided this week that people like me will be best represented by a logo with the moon.

In fact, I think it’s one of my better ideas. Ever.

Each of us should be assigned either a sun or a month. Suns would go to those cheerful people, who rise to 5:30, make their houses smelling of coffee up to 6 and are all exercised and shown before moving to their workspaces until 8:30.

Would hang a sun on their front door. Glue one on the window of their car. End the phone numbers with a sun. Moon people would fit.

People’s sun will be forbidden to reach people of the Moon before noon. Moon people would never contact a sunscreen after 20:30 to allow adequate beauty sleep.

Such a simple solution.

Maybe I should call Elon. After lunch.

Nancy Eshelman: [email protected]