
The community organizes the Blood Drive in honor of the victims, the survivors of the Rockford attacks of 2024

The community organizes the Blood Drive in honor of the victims, the survivors of the Rockford attacks of 2024

Rockford, ill. (WIFR) – A blood driving with Rock River Valley Blood Center honors victims and survivors one year after terrible attacks in a Rockford neighborhood.

Blood Drive is organized by community members, including Rockford letter carriers. On March 27, 2024Romona and Jacob Schupbach, the mail carrier Jay Larson and the student of East High School Jenna Newcomb were killed in the attack. Seven others were injured.

Donors can give blood Monday, March 24, until Friday, March 28, in the following locations:

  • Longwood Donor Center, 418 N. Longwood St., Rockford
    • Mon-Tues: 9: 00-4: 30 PM
    • WED-THU: 18: 30-2 pm
    • Wine: 8: 00-1 pm
  • Perryville Donor Center, 3065 N. Perryville Rd., Rockford
    • Monday-Thu: 18: 30-19: 00
    • Wine: 7: 00-1 pm
  • Freeport Donor Center, 461 E. South St., Freport
    • Monday: 11: 00-18: 00
    • Tues-Thu: 19: 30-3 pm
    • Wine: 19: 30-1 pm

All types of blood are required. Donors are reminded to bring a photo ID and have a lot to eat and drink before donating. All eligible donors will be enrolled in a drawing for a $ 500 gift card.

Walk-in is welcome or to schedule a programming, call RRVBC at 815-965-8751.