
Former Counselor of Desert Hot Springs receives 12 months of evidence for road anger

Former Counselor of Desert Hot Springs receives 12 months of evidence for road anger

A former City Hot Springs City City damaged a young man’s car in a fit of anger Following a road meeting was sentenced on Friday to 12 months of evidence and ordered to pay the victim $ 3,400 in refund.

The 66 -year -old Russell Betts said last week for an illegal fight in public, a crime, based on an agreement with the Riverside County District Prosecutor’s Office. In exchange for his admission, the prosecutors gave up two related charges against Betts.

During an hearing at Riverside Hall of Justice on Friday, the judge of the Gail O’Rane Superior Court certified the conditions of the agreement and imposed the stipulated sentence. In addition to the probation, the judge ordered Bets to serve a day in the county prison, but it was expected to be a so-called “paper commitment”, in which the party appears and is signed in the correctional installation, then released immediately due to space constraints.

Desert Hot Springs Council Russell Betts

Desert Hot Springs Council Russell Betts

According to the district lawyer’s office, on the morning of August 4, 2024, Betts was driving in the Palm Drive area and the eighth Street in Desert Hot Springs, when the victim passed by him, using the road shoulder instead of a traffic lane, caressing the defendant, who threw a hand gesture and then followed him.

He stopped in a parking lot of the convenient store, where Betts immediately parked behind him, blocking him to leave.

There was a brief verbal exchange, after which the victim tried to return, easily touching Bets in this process, the defendant encouraged, according to the published reports.

Prosecutors said Betts hit and hit the sedan with two doors of the victim, causing visible damage, then left.

The incident was related to the Dessert Hot Springs Police Department, but the problem was sent to the DA Bureau for further investigations, as it involved a public person.

Betts did not have previous or criminal documented convictions.

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Dessert Sun: Former Counselor of Desert Hot Springs condemned probation for road anger