
Exhausted father: Dog betrayed by children carrying out human activities

Exhausted father: Dog betrayed by children carrying out human activities

The new dog of our family, Marley, would like to talk to the manager.

After living with us a little over two weeks, the dog appears sufficiently attached to his new family. He wants to label for all, even if it means to go out for only a few seconds. Do you need to take the garbage to the curb? The dog will provide accompanying.

Indeed, if someone leaves the front door without him, Marley whispers and barks about equal abandonment. His objective love as a fluffy puppy leads to the feeling of immediate guilt. Yes, friend, I really should have taken you with me for 30 seconds I spent to pick up my mobile phone.

However, children do not seem terribly upset about the abandonment of the dog for bicycle travelers and activities in the front yard, such as chalk art, etc. The pleasant weather last weekend led my children out for a few hours of fun … and only a fraction of it involved taking the poor Marley for a cruise around the neighborhood.

Look, I understand it. Obviously, the dog cannot do everything outside with them and I do not want children to take him out while riding bicycles or anything that risks a confused leash, a free dog or an unattended interaction with strange people, animals and/or vehicles.

However, I really hate that it is the guy in the house listening to the dog crying about the lack of fun. Poor Marley spent last Sunday looking out the window in our living room, whispering while my children were playing in the yard and traveling bicycles in front of the house. They waved at him, they shouted “Good Marley!” And then, like the supervisors, he turned their backs and went on for fun without him.

Did not enjoy their fun. However, he watched every second.

To their credit, my children entered several times to put them on the leash and stay with them. But it only lasted a few minutes at one point, and the dog will return to the window wiping a few seconds from their departure.

In a very cruel moment, the children decided to bring some granola bars outside. They settled in the taster on the alley, while Marley threw themselves at the window in frustration. Love the food! He likes to trigger people in the kitchen! He spends most of his life of waking up in search of potential food! Now, those children, eat everything outside, far from where the crumbs can ensure!

Yes, I tried to minimize the dog’s frustration by closing the blinds on the front window. However, my children are … loud. Their noises still sounded like fun, and the dog felt all the fun behind the curtain.

After all, I took the dog out several times to attend emotion. He spent most of the time in hunting for crumbs from Granola Bar. Because I am the one inside the living room, I think he thinks I am responsible for the inner prison. I feel blamed for his mess and certainly did not appreciate all those times when I offered “visit” outside.

While I tell the dog, I’m not the bad one. Blame the children! Chew and shoes! I am the one who gives you a treatment every time you make that big, move, sad face.

Wait … I think I’m connecting.


Tyler Wilson is an independent writer, full-time and parent student in four children, aged 7-13. Is tired. It can be contacted at [email protected].

The exhausted father