
Gangster arrested in 2023 the case of murder

Gangster arrested in 2023 the case of murder

March 15, 2025 02:50 PM Ist

The Shivajinagar police from the Pune arrested on Suryakant Kamble, the leader of the band “Pandit and Yallya”, in a case of murder from 2023, after 19 months.

His leader puts “Pandit and Yallya”, Suryakant alias Pandit alias Pintu alias Bhau Dasharath Kamble, was arrested by Shivajinagar police in a 2023 murder, officials said on Friday.

Gangster and accomplices killed Nitin Mhaske outside the Mangala Theater on August 15, 2023 (pic for representation))
Gangster and accomplices killed Nitin Mhaske outside the Mangala Theater on August 15, 2023 (pic for representation))

Kamble with the members of his band killed Nitin Mhaske outside the Mangala Theater on August 15, 2023.

From the crime, Kamble was abandoned and was arrested on March 11, the police said.

Sachin Bade, Amaldar Police, has obtained information that the accused Kamble visits the Dandekar bridge in the Dattawadi area. As a result, the police put the trap and arrested the accused. The police confiscated two guns and four live rounds of its possession.

The police said that, for the last 19 months, the police have been looking for it, but lived in the border area of ​​the states. Where he targeted local commuters and with the help of mobile phones, he connected with his family. After which the police could not obtain their exact location.

The accused is reserved in two crime and four other criminal cases. He was also involved in the famous Crime case reported in the Yerawada police station where, after the crime, he played football with the chief of the deceased.

Police said the accused Opera Bande Pandit and Yallya in the Tadiwala area, Bund Garden.

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