Vadodara chronology with hit-and-run housing: key updates so far (Videral Video Screengrab)
- Rakshit was presented before the court on Saturday, which sent it to police custody until 16:00 on March 17th.
One of the victims said Times Now that he, sister and brother were caught in the accident. They were heading for the house in the Sangam, near Amrapali, when the car struck. “A car came from behind at a speed of 120, the road was empty, hit us, I fell in different places, the brother fell somewhere and the sister fell elsewhere. My sister and I have fractures, while my brother is seriously injured. We were unable to get up, they took us to the hospital in 108, “said the victim.
Ashish Shah’s wife was one of Vadodara’s blow and rolling case. His wife was traveling with a scooter with their two children who received serious injury.
In a complaint against Rakshit, Shah said: “First of all, he hit three people traveling on a two wheels, then hit my wife’s activity in which my wife, daughter and son were seriously injured, after hitting another couple traveling on an activation, and they were seriously injured. This incident happened around 11:15 at night, my wife, daughter and son were seriously injured in the accident and were admitted to the Emergency Section of the SSG Hospital. My wife told me in the hospital that when the two wheels in front of me collided with Active, the Himali Patel woman traveling on that active died on the spot, and her pure husband was also seriously injured, who is currently admitted to the killer.
What does Rakshit say?
After being caught by the police, Rakshit denied to be drunk while driving. He said he was driving at a speed of 50 km / h and lost control of his car after hitting a hole. Because of which, his car reached a vehicle, which opened the airbags and prevented the vision. He acknowledged that it was his fault and insisted on meeting the families of the victims.
Rakhsit is a law student at Maharaja Sayajirao University in Vadodara. He comes from Varanasi of Uttar Pradesh and lives in a PG accommodation in Vadodara. His father runs a business of sanitary installations in the city.