
Dissated teenage couple found dead in dehat | Kanpur News

Dissated teenage couple found dead in dehat | Kanpur News

Deputy teenage couple found dead in dehat

Kanpur: A minor couple reported that the missing was found dead at the village periphery in Kanpur District Dehat on Saturday after a local farmer noticed the bodies while working and alerting the Local Police.
The police, assisted by the villagers, recovered the bodies, who were subsequently identified by the respective families.
According to Rasolabad Anil Kumar Singh, investigations revealed that both people have been missing from March 13. Both were about 17 years old. The circle officer, Rajeev Syrohi, arrived with a criminal team to examine the scene.
The boy’s family revealed that he is the youngest of two brothers and a student in the 11th grade. The girl, who interrupted education after the eighth grade, was the largest of the four sisters.
Co Rajeev Sirohi said that no families have filed an official complaint. The bodies were sent for autopsy, the authorities examining all aspects of the incident.
Sources of the village informed that the couple was involved romantically and wanted to marry, but faced the family opposition because of the age and caste differences. tnn