
Building an inclusive job for success: Cindy Glazer

Building an inclusive job for success: Cindy Glazer

Cindy Glazer, the guest columnica is the president of the NCJW/Cle’s It serves in the Board of Directors and in several other commissions. Cindy, a special retired educator, is passionate about equity and inclusion. To find out more about, consult our website, which offers a video spectrum of information and resources.

After more than 30 years as a special educator and consultant, my desire to encourage acceptance and inclusion did not end when I left the classroom.

Instead we found a new way to continue this mission: by volunteering with The National Council of Jewish Women/Cleveland (NCJW/Cle).

I signed 14 years ago to help develop Livespecial.coma signature project of NCJW/Cle that serves people with disabilities and their families in significant ways. is more than just a website; It is a dedication for empowerment. The web site simplifies the process of finding qualified service providers, offers free educational programming and publishes an annual magazine full of valuable information and resources.

Most importantly, it is a motor force for creating an inclusive community that everyone can participate in.

Many of us see people with disabilities working in our offices, shops and restaurants. What we do not always see are more individuals with invisible disabilities and those working behind the scenes.

The key to employing a successful workforce for people with disabilities is not charity; It is the opportunity. These employees are often among the most dedicated, reliable and workers members of a team.

If you are an employer, here are four simple but powerful ways to set up a new employee with special needs:

Is looking for guidance

Before you start a new employee, consult an expert, mentor or even a family member to better understand how to create an inclusive support.

A small adjustment, such as providing written instructions or structuring tasks, can make a big difference. Preparation of disability awareness can help your team interact in a supporting way, without judgment.

Be patient and encouraging

Like any new employment, employees with special needs need time to adapt. Give clear instructions, recognize the effort and celebrate progress.

Instead of assuming I can’t do something, give the space to learn at their pace. Encouragement, not over-granting, creates confidence and success.

Treat it like any other employee

Disabilities employees want to contribute, they will not be selected. Set clear expectations and offer accommodation only when necessary.

If a simple tool or process helps them succeed, excellent. But it always assumes competence. When they are given correct support, these employees bring giving, reliability and fresh perspectives that strengthen your team.

The most important thing? Presuppose competence

When people know you believe in their abilities, they will rise to the occasion. The next day, I went to a local grocery store and recognized a former student working in the marking register. I looked at how he scanned with confidence and called shopping without assistance.

An employee’s colleague was nearby, not to intervene, but simply to be present, demonstrating both respect and confidence in his colleague’s ability to do the job.

The moment has strengthened why the inclusion matters: it is not just to give someone a chance. It is about recognizing their right place in our business, communities and life.

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