
Local order forces respond to shootings in Hiawatha homeless camp

Local order forces respond to shootings in Hiawatha homeless camp

March 17 – Moses Lake – The Moses Lake Police Department responded to a ratio of shootings drawn right on Friday at noon, at the Hiawatha Lake homeless camp, near the 1000 block of Frontage Road, to the east, driving Lake Moses. After capturing the suspect, the weapon involved proved to be a bb rifle.

When the police arrived, the victim told MLPD that he had heard a woman crying for help and said she went to look at where the sound came from. The victim said he saw Jonathan pray for 25 years over a trailer in which Pray covered smoke smoke with a tarp. The victim said he appears as if he was trying to force the occupants.

The victim said he was praying then pulled a rifle to him three times. The victim ran for safety and asked the victim on a sand hill near the homeless camp.

He then prays inside a camping trailer that was soon surrounded by MLPD, Washington Fish and Wildlife and deputies from the Sheriff’s office in Grant County, along with a crisis respondent from Renew.

“American fish are Washington’s state fish, and the wildlife police are ordered by order in Washington, not only protects the wildlife of the state, but they are also empowered to work on the police,” said Kyle Foreman, GCSO public information officer. “They were there attending operations, keeping the site safe and the suspect contained.

There were approximately 13 people who responded to the incident and were available to help negotiate and to ensure the scene, according to Foreman. The negotiators tried to persuade to pray.

Deputies were awarded a search warrant and entered the trailer around 3:10 pm

They found the prayer hidden under the trailer.

“I don’t know if he came under the trailer after he entered it or was hidden only under the trailer,” Foreman said. “All I knew was that he was right there in that area.”

Pray -Then he was arrested without incident. Relax is experiencing accusations of grade I and a second -degree murder attempt, Foreman said. He also mentioned that a minor was killed in the MAE Valley area by a BB gun just a few years ago, in an accidental shooting.

The victim did not suffer injuries.

“With the help of fish and wild animals, Moses Lake Police, as well as the support in 5 Fire District of Grant County, the rescue ambulance and a crisis respondent from renewal we were able to take Mr. Pray in arrest,” Foreman said.

While executing the mandate, GCSO found a bb rifle in the trailer. It is believed to be the weapon described by the victim, according to a GCSO statement.

“Yes, o (BB rifle) will make a noise, not as loud as a rifle,” Foreman said. “It’s much quieter.”

Pragea was submitted to the prison in Grant County to investigate the 1st degree attack and to investigate the second -degree murder attempt.

“The incident was treated well by cooperating with the Moses Lake Police and the Washington Peak Police and Wild Police, we all team,” Foreman said. “We all team up when there is a report of a critical incident, and this was another example of how strong this relationship is.”

The agencies included in response were MACC-911, MLPD, WDFW, GCFD 5, Lifeline, Renew and GCSO ambulance.