
The scientist would have attacked colleagues from the isolated Antarctica base

The scientist would have attacked colleagues from the isolated Antarctica base

  • A researcher attacked colleagues as they are stationed at an isolated base in Antarctica, has been reported
  • An E -mail sent by one of the scientists said that the person, who was not called, behaves in a “deeply disturbing” way, on South Africa South Africa times
  • It is assumed that an investigation and the situation is monitored

A researcher at an isolated base in Antarctica sent a worrying E -mail, accusing another member of the physical and sexual aggression team, as well as the threat of killing someone, has been reported.

An overturning team, consisting of 10 members, is almost entirely cut from the outside world at the base of the South Africa, against the background of harsh weather conditions, on South Africa time. According to the United Kingdom orThe group is stationed at the base of Sanae IV (National Antarctic Expedition in South Africa) located in Vesleskarvet, Queen Maud Land.

Last month, a team member aroused concern after sending an E -mail about the “equal” and “deeply disturbing” behavior, accusing physical and sexual aggression, as well as threatening to kill someone, the publication said.

A group image of researchers from various scientific projects illustrated at Sanae IV.


“His behavior has become more and more equal and I am facing significant difficulties in feeling sure in his presence,” he read the Email, on the socket.

“Unfortunately, his behavior has climbed into a point that is deeply disturbing. Specifically, he physically assaulted (the name retained), which represents a serious violation of personal safety and norms at work, ”the message continued, the exit said.

“Moreover, he threatened to kill (the name held), creating an environment of fear and intimidation. I am deeply worried about my own safety, asking -I constantly if I could become the next victim, ”added E -mail. The person who sent the e -mail and the alleged attacker has not been publicly called.

It seems that the message said that “numerous concerns” about the person in question had been raised in front of his ship Agulhas II who brought him there left his return journey. The Cape Town trip is about 2,485 miles and lasts about 10-15 days, depending on the amount of ice that the group hits on the road, South Africa Africa times.

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE), which manages the South Antarctic National Program (SANAP), confirmed that an Email investigation is underway. On AccuweatherThe temperatures in the area vary this week from about 5 degrees Fahrenheit to approximately -7.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

“The department responds to these most emergency concerns and had a series of interventions with all the parties to the base,” said DFFE communications, Peter Mbelengwa times.

“A complete investigation is ordered, and the department will act accordingly in relation to any wrong conduct against any official official,” Mbelengwa added.

DFFE Minister Dion George confirmed that he saw the Email, the publication said.

A group of researchers are illustrated at Sanae IV.


South Africa times He reported that the only way to leave the base right now would be “by emergency medical evacuation to a neighboring German base”, about 186 miles away, citing two sources with interior knowledge.

DFFE’s Mbelengwa said because the tests were previously done to “ensure that the team can bear the psychological stress of isolation” on South Africa South Africa times.

“In this case, no negative results have been recorded in relation to all the SMAE overlap, which forms a critical component of the processes of evaluation of the department risks,” he said, according to Outlet.

“(They) are taken over by a thorough process and the various options are discussed. During this unforeseen incident, the department engages with the professional who has undertaken the psychometric evaluation, to re -evaluate the overload and to help with combating mechanisms during their base, including conflict resolution strategies, continued to improve the inter -interonal skills, as well as general counseling and support.

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The first national expedition in Antarctica in South Africa (Sanae) left in 1959, on Web site. Like Sanae IV, there is a station each on the sub -Station Island Gough and Marion Island.

Professional explorer Alan Chambers, who completed a 700 mile ski expedition to the South Pole in 2024, said about the conditions in Antarctica, depending on the UK. times“From a psychological perspective it is a very very lonely place. There are very few interactions with humans or animals, so if you are in a camp or in a research center, you are with those people for six months, if not a year. ”

“What I think does, from a psychological point of view, is that everything becomes grown. Everything is white – there is no color, no noise and nothing you could see as normal, so that everyone’s behavior – including you – increases and small things become great things, “he added.

On South Africa timesA person was removed from the base of Marion, after “led Amok with an ax” six years ago.

DFFE’s Mbelengwa, a contact for the SMAE IV base and a Dion George spokesman did not immediately respond to contacting people for further information in E -mail.