
Doctors didn’t know if the woman lost consciousness from being suffocated or hit, the court said – The Irish News

Doctors didn’t know if the woman lost consciousness from being suffocated or hit, the court said – The Irish News

A woman was attacked and suffocated by her partner with such a force, that doctors are not sure if she has lost consciousness from being suffocated or hitting, heard a court.

Also, the court of the magistrates of Lisburn heard statements that Matthew Carson hit his victim so many times that both eyes are swollen.

Carson (29 years old) from Bromhill Park in Magheralin, was initially charged with attempted murder on March 14 and by committing domestic abuse between November last year and March 14.

However, a criminal prosecution lawyer told the court that the third accusation that claimed non-making strangulation had to be added to the indictment.

This was also put to Carson, who nodded to confirm that he understood the accusations.

A prosecutor emphasized how a third party rang 999 shortly before midnight on Friday, after the applicant reached her door, “her frightened and swollen face and bleached copiously.”

“The defendant was located in a vehicle on the property alley and was removed from the vehicle.”

The officers were able to see that the victim suffered significant injuries on the face and after being taken to the hospital, and used the worn rooms for the body to capture an initial account, where he told them that the couple took a few drinks, but after getting off the phone from her father, Carson would have attacked her and hit her.

“He grabbed her and started hitting her face, suffocated with both hands and said he would kill her,” the lawyer said.

“The last thing he remembers was that he suffocated him and he thinks he lost consciousness”, adding that “doctors could not say if he lost knowledge as a result of strangulation or hit.”

Carson, heard the court, had to be transported to the police car and taken to the hospital to be verified.

On the way there, he told the police that he remembered that he hit him, but that he drank to a dozen beers “and a small bottle of whiskey … with very little to eat.”

When the photos with the woman’s facial wounds showed them to Carson “he was really shocked and upset,” but denied that he intends to kill her.

The district judge, Amanda Brady, refused the bail and the re -examination of Carson in arrest until April 11th.