
Drugs found in the accused blood of Rakshit Chaurasia in the narcotic test

Drugs found in the accused blood of Rakshit Chaurasia in the narcotic test

The blood samples of Rakshit Chaurasiya, the driver accused in the case of Vadodara car accident, contain drugs, according to the Vadodara police, which is currently investigating in this case.

Vadodara car accident: drugs found in the blood accused Rakshit Chaurasia in the narcotic test

The blood samples of Rakshit Chaurasiya, the driver accused in the case of Vadodara car accident, contain drugs, according to the Vadodara Police, who is currently investigating the accused in the Vadodara case. The police confirmed that the accused was under the influence of drugs at the time of the fatal accident. The narcotic test confirmed the presence of drugs.

Drugs in the accusation of Rakshit Chaurasia’s blood samples

A report by Indian Express suggests that during the rapid test of the drugs that was performed while it was detained by the Vadodara police. However, according to the police, officials said that such tests are not concrete evidence to support the case and so the courts do not admit them as evidence. Therefore, the accused’s blood samples, his co-chain Pranshu Chauhan, and a third friend, who accompanied him before the car accident were sent for verification to the Criminal Science Laboratory (FSL), where they will go through a detailed examination.

While giving details about the case of the accident Vadodara, a senior police officer told Indian Express that “forensic tests will confirm the exact drugs present in its blood flow.” Authorities said the blood test report is expected to come in a week. Police officials have also said that if the results approve the presence of drugs in Chaurasya’s blood samples, then you will have to face additional charges in the case of Vadodara car accident.

The survivor supports Rakshit that he is “intoxicated”

A victim of the car accident Vadodara said that the accused looked “in a state of intoxication” and that he was over speed for “pleasure”. Speaking with ANI, Vikas Kewalani, the victim of the car accident, asked for strict actions against the accused, saying that they will make their mistakes only when a strict punishment against them is taken. “… My brother and sister suffered fractures. I fractured my elbow on the right … The accused (Rakshit Ravish Chaurasia) looked into a drunken state … he did (over-vites) for pleasure purposes … No one in normal state could do and say such things … ”

Rakshit Chaurasiya denies allegations of intoxication

Rakshit Ravish Chaurasia on Saturday claimed he was not “drunk” before his car hit a two -wheel wheel, which led to a woman’s death, while four others were injured. The accused spoke on Saturday and said that his car was going before the two wheels and was returning to the right. However, there was a hole on the road. It led to a car that touched the other vehicle, which opened the airbags and prevented the vision. “We were going before the shield, we were turning to the right and there was a hole on the road. It was a shield and a car as we turned to the right … The car easily touched the other vehicle and the airbag was open, our vision was prevented and the car escaped control. ”