
Aero contractors, Partner Investigation Bureau to strengthen aviation safety, human development

Aero contractors, Partner Investigation Bureau to strengthen aviation safety, human development

The Nigeria (NSIB) and Aero contractors have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to strengthen the collaboration in the field of safety led by the industry, the exchange of knowledge and the development of human capital. This will strengthen Nigeria’s commitment to maintain global aviation safety standards.

The agreement, signed on Monday, in Lagos, in the presence of the interested parties in the industry, establishes a framework for structured training programs, technical collaborations and the exchange of resources between Aero contractors and Aero contractors.

The partnership will see that NSIB transport safety officers and technical staff will be subjected to specialized workplace training using state -of -the -art aero facilities, including simulators and maintenance workshops.

In contrast, the technical staff of Aer will benefit from the training led by NSIB in accident and related disciplines, creating a robust exchange of expertise.

Alex Badeh, the general manager of NSIB, described Mou as a transformer step towards mutual growth and improving safety. “Today’s Mou is more than just a document; It is a commitment for mutual growth and improving safety. Through this agreement, we will work together to design and deliver personalized training programs at the workplace for our transport officers and other employees.

“This initiative will equip our staff with the skills, knowledge and practical experience necessary to excel in their duties, based on the latest generation facilities, simulators and technical resources,” he said.

Badeh also emphasized the mutual nature of the partnership, mentioning that NSIB will support the technical staff of Aero with training in accident and related areas. “This two -way expert exchange will benefit both organizations and contribute to the general niger airspace,” he added.

Mou also opens the way for common conferences, symposiums and workshops to share best practices, explore emerging tendencies in aviation and build capacity in both labor by implementing the respective facilities and staff, including pilots, engineers, dispatchers and flight attendants.

NSIB and Aero contractors intend to strengthen their ability to prevent accidents, to respond effectively to incidents and to meet the highest safety standards in accordance with international reference values, such as the standards and practices recommended by Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention.

Ado Sanusi, general manager/CEO of Aero Contractors, stressed the importance of the partnership, stating: “Safety is not just a regulatory requirement; It is the cornerstone of our industry. With over 60 years of experience in the aviation sector, Aero Contractors has cultivated a deeply rooted safety culture and we strongly believe that safety is the business of everyone. This Mou emphasizes our commitment to invest in the future of a safe Nigerian airspace, sharing the expertise, experience and technical knowledge with NSIB. “

Sanusi further stressed the role of training at work (OJT) in encouraging continuous learning and professional development for NSIB staff. “Through this partnership, we intend to equip NSIB transport officers with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their tasks, using the latest generation facilities, simulators and technical resources,” he added.

A director committee, which includes representatives of NSIB and Aero Contractors, will supervise the implementation of MOU. The agreement also presents provisions for reviews and periodic changes to ensure its continuous relevance in approaching dynamic aviation safety challenges.

Musa Adamu, a supporter of interested parties in the industry and aviation safety, the general director of the Universal Aviation Group, welcomed the initiative, stating:

“This partnership is a model for how regulatory bodies and industry players should collaborate to increase safety. The aviation sector is extremely complex, and the training must evolve to keep up with the technological progress and the best global practices. NSIB and Aero contractors establish a precedent that should be emulated into other quarters of the transport industry. ”

Both parties also agreed to maintain the highest levels of privacy and professionalism throughout the partnership. The shared information will be used exclusively for safety investigation training, ensuring confidence and integrity in collaboration.

With this agreement, NSIB and Aero contractors reaffirm their common vision of a safer and more resistant aviation sector. As the partnership has a flight, it promises to raise the preparation standard for aviation safety, ensuring that Nigeria remains in front of excellence in the field of transport safety in the region.