
Manunian mode: The “low -level” criminal police are taken seriously

Manunian mode: The “low -level” criminal police are taken seriously

In addition: rainy city

Mary Murphy after her stolen car was returned by police


Mary Murphy was one of several victims of a type of burglary in Ardwick. Fiat Punto was stolen after a night break at her house, leaving her “devastated”.

But in an hour since he discovered he was missing that he had his car back. “When the police called me, I thought I’m kidding,” Mary said.

“I can’t tell you how happy I was. It wasn’t even a quarter of miles away. ”

That Neal Keeling reportsMaria is just a person to benefit Greater Manchester police taking theft again seriously. In three years, the number of offenses in the entire region has decreased by one third.

Constanta chief Stopen Watson(Image: Kenny Brown | Manchester Evening News)

It is due to a cultural change introduced by Constanta chief Stephen Watson. When he took over in 2021, he identified the burglary as a crime that slipped badly on the priority scale of force and asked for action.

And according to the figures, it works. Between December 2020 and December 2021, 16,758 residential robberies were registered in Greater Manchester.

The figure decreased by one third between December 2023 until December 2024, a 33%reduction, equivalent to 106 fewer robberies per week. Meanwhile, the number of burglary arrests in the same period increased by more than a quarter, from 1,839 to 2,305, and the number of offenses resolved almost past – from 4.2% to 11.5%.

The launch of the Castel operation in 2021, in which the officers participate in each reported burglary, was a major change from treating such crimes as “volume” or “low level” and was the catalyst. I am under Alicia Smith, who leads the operation of Castle, acknowledges that in 2020 the force “was not in a good place”, but now takes a serious crime that can cause deep trauma.

She said: “Progress is made and refers to each officer and member of the police staff who always strive to achieve the best possible result for the victim, focusing on the basic elements, participating in robberies, making more arrests and bringing more offenders to justice, and the result is that we reduce the long -term robberies.

“We recognize that theft is one of the most impactful and intrusive crimes that someone can be victim, is an attack on you, your home and your safety place.”

Burnham issues welfare welfare warning

Andy Burnham(Image: Daily mirror)

Sir Keir Starmer seems to defy increasing anger to lead by benefits for some of the worst people in the UK. But as the government is preparing to announce great changes to the social assistance system, Andy Burnham He asked for “caution”.

Writing in The Times, the Mayor of Greater Manchester said he agreed that the social assistance system needs “a radical review”, but said that the government should focus on helping people work rather than reducing the benefits.

He wrote: “I would share concerns about changing support and eligibility for benefits, leaving the system from top. They would catch too many people in poverty.

“And to be clear: there is no case in any scenario to reduce the support available for people with disabilities who cannot work.”

And Mr. Burnham is not alone. I conducted a survey on the discounts proposed on the main site and, at the time of writing, about 60 % of the respondents described them to be unfair. You can tell yourself here.

What is the frequency?

(Image: Network Bee/Tfgm)

It looks nice, don’t it? And as the best design, it also serves a very useful purpose.

This The new map from the bee network It presents all the “high frequency” routes, which are served by buses and trams every 12 minutes or less. It seems that around half of the Greater Manchester population lives a few steps away from one of these stops.

The idea is that, as in London, passengers should not use a calendar, because they can only return to a stop knowing that there will be a pretty soon.

Rainy city

Many indicators have been found that the areas of Smithills estate could be a temperate tropical forest

Next, we will take a look at a fascinating Bolton story. A patch of ancient forests, close to the TV mast at Winter Hill, could be the first area of ​​Greater Manchester that was classified as a “tropical forest”.

Research takes place at the Woodland Trust Smithills Estate, Moors between Bolton And Horwich, if appropriate to be described as a “temperate tropical forest”. But as the local democracy reporter, Chris Gee, writes, It is a controversial topic.

The mystery of the museum

There is a museum on the Chinatown edge that sounds like a perfect family day. According to its very professional site, the “National Museum of Legends & Mytology” is free to enter, open daily and currently shows an exhibition about the Bermuda triangle.

But there is only one catch – there is no. Here Ramazani Mwamba Explore the mystery of the missing museum in Manchester.

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Weather etc.

Spring: Greater Manchester could be as hot as Ibiza on Thursday for the first official spring day. Temperatures could reach 17C in the region on the spring equinox – with about five degrees warmer than the average for this period of the year. Read more

Highway closure: A stretch of four miles from M60leaving clockwise at intersection 19 to Heaton Park At Junction 21 (Broadway Interphage) will be closed from 8:00 pm to 6:00 to redeem the works every evening this week. More here

Manchester headlines

Stadium plans: Oldham The Council today announced that it will take the first steps to Building a 70 million “sportstown”. The project of several millions of pounds will include the expansion of the Park border stadium with new sports facilities, a sports campus and a number of training and apprenticeship programs.

Closed fan: A football fan that jumped on a police car during the Wild Holidays after Manchester City The final winning of the Champions League has been closed. The 22-year-old Leon Blakett has been among thousands of fans who went out on the streets of the city center, following the historical victory of historical clash over Inter Milan, on June 10, 2023. But while the holidays continued several people, including Blacket, climbed on a specialist truck in the GMP truck. The GMP search unit take over, in the GMP search unit search truck, in the GMP search unit, in the GMP search unit search truck, in the GMP search unit, in the GMP search unit search truck in the search truck Piccadilly Gardenscausing around 10,000 pounds of damages, which meant that later it had to be canceled. Read more

Finding weapons: A quiet Saturday cleaning -Ambia was transformed into a crime scene, while the trash collectors prevented by a loaded weapon. About 30 volunteers were clearing on Frederick Street, only outside Trinity Way, when an unnamed member of the group found the weapon wrapped in a sock and a plastic bag. More here

It’s worth reading

Manchester’s St Patrick Day Patrick returned yesterday(Image: Jason Roberts /Manchester Evening News)

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