
The staff who suspend their “Operational Stop” program

The staff who suspend their “Operational Stop” program

The staff of the Electoral Commission (EC), who launched a movement that requests to keep the national identity card services (NID) within the EC, have suspended today the “Operational Stop” program.

Mohammad Monir Hossain, the summons of the Association of the Officers of the Electoral Commission in Bangladesh (Becoa), announced the suspension of their program this after – -being, at a press conference, which took place at the Dhaka agargaon electoral building.

“What our requirements are actively addressed. The senior secretary of the secretariat that assured us and,” said Mohammad Monir Hossain.

What he repeatedly and officially said that NID services should remain under its jurisdiction to ensure the functional independence of the EC and to fulfill their constitutional responsibilities.

He added he is no interest in this regard.

The interim government has taken an initiative to form a “civil registration commission” to ensure the smooth functioning of NID services.

Meanwhile, the Electoral Reform Commission recommended the establishment of an independent legal body called the “National Data Commission of Citizens”.

Against the background of this situation, the staff who observed a human chain and a site of site, entitled “Stand for NID”, on September 13. All election activities, including NID services, were stopped nationally for two hours during the program.

A program “complete closure” would have announced in the future, if the process of fulfilling the requirements of the personnel who is delayed, warned SM ASADUZZAMAN, General Manager (DG) of the Institute of Electoral Training, while talking to reporters on March 13.

In 2023, an attempt was made to bring NID services within the Security Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through a new law, according to EC officials.

However, the interim government subsequently annulled this law and made a policy decision to maintain NID services within the electoral commission.

Earlier, on March 4, the provisional government proposed the transfer of NID services within a separate commission, called the “Civil Registration Commission”.

The chief counselor granted the final approval to the project “Ordinance of the Law on the registration of national identity (repeal), 2025”. The cabinet division was trained to take the necessary measures in this regard.

On the same day, the employees who observed a stop of work protesting this decision.