
The operation of medicine fall promotes safe elimination of drugs and preventing poisons

The operation of medicine fall promotes safe elimination of drugs and preventing poisons

Especially for IFN

Raleigh – the NC Office of the Marshal of State Fire (OSFM) and Safe Kids NC again lead the charge of safety of medicines with the annual campaign of medicine. During the National Week to Prevent Poison (March 16-22), this initiative provides Northern Carolinians a safe and responsible way to eliminate unused or expired drugs.

With deaths related to opioids, representing almost 80% of the deaths related to drugs in the state, the operation of drugs plays a vital role in preventing drug abuse, accidental poisoning and contamination of the environment. Since its launch in 2010, the program has safely disposed of over 422 million pills through permanent fall boxes and community -taking events in North Carolina.

“Every day, we lose too many lives for drug overdoses, but we can all take simple measures to help prevent these tragedies,” said the state -fire marshal and the SIFE Kids NC, Brian Taylor. “Through the medicine operation, we encourage communities to take measures by providing a safe way to eliminate drugs, reducing access to potentially dangerous drugs and raising awareness of the importance of drug safety.”

OSFM, Safe Kids NC and the law enforcement partners will host free elimination events in different locations throughout the state during the National Week to Prevent Poravs. Residents are encouraged to bring their unused or expired prescription and sales-free drugs for safe removal. In addition, Northern Carlinians can access the permanent locations of the falling box available throughout the year to ensure the safe elimination.

By participating in the operation of medicine, residents can help prevent accidental intoxication, misuse of substances and lesions on the environment caused by improper elimination of drugs.

Find out more

For more information about abandonment locations and future events, visit The operation of the drug.