
BPD addresses quote and release Lieutenant KCSO

BPD addresses quote and release Lieutenant KCSO

Bakersfield, California (Kero) – new details in arresting a Lero Lieutenant on the weekend for the alleged DUI.

  • The BPD officers quoted and issued Lieutenant for Dui of offenses earlier on Sunday, before being involved in a hit-and-run.
  • The senior reporter Veronica Morley sat with BPD to find out why they chose to quote and free themselves in that first instance.
  • Lieutenant of traffic, Joseph Galland, said in most cases DUI, the suspect would have been arrested and taken to prison for reservation. However, in this case, said Galland, there were some challenges to consider.

Even after the Bakersfield police officers on Sunday afternoon, they responded to a minor collision in Stockdale and Allen. When they arrived, BPD said that one of the drivers involved was the restraint lieutenant Patrick McNeill. The officers performed a field test and thought McNeil was under the influence of alcohol. He was quoted for Dui and led back to his home.

Lieutenant of traffic, Joseph Galland, said in most cases DUI, the suspect would have been arrested and taken to prison for reservation. However, in this case, said Galland, there were some challenges to consider.

“Where did the decision come from citing and release?” I asked.

“I think the clock commander and the service captain consulted KCSO about all the circumstances, the fact that the prison should be blocked while it was brought,” Galland said.

“Do you know what his bacon was in the first incident?” I asked.

“I think it was 0.30,” Galland said.

Galland told me that Mcneill had identified him as a lieutenant of detention. He said because of that, the officers stretched to prison before taking him.

“I think they were with short staff, so they would have significantly expanded the reservation times for each agency in the county,” Galland said. “The high probability that, as far as I understood, that no one would have been able to reserve a probably four to six hours.”

“The policy on a way to eliminate prison when a police officer is arrested or in this way, where is this policy?” I asked

“It’s not ours,” Galland said. “This is a standard operating procedure (Lerdo) and this is standard in I think every prison I have ever been.”

Gallend said that after a DUI and the typical procedure is to impose the driver’s car and to make them contact someone to pick them up.

“Usually, we prefer to have an adult of over 21 years, who is authorized and is not under the influence of nothing, to come to take the person and to take them to a safe location,” he said. “On rare occasions, I also took people at home when this option was not available.”

“Was the case in this situation?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said.

“There was any clue, the officers had any reason to suspect that the lieutenant can, under the influence of alcohol, in another vehicle?” I asked.

“No,” Galland said. “And it seems that the vehicle he took from home, which was his county vehicle, is not a patrol car is not a marked unit. It is just a very simple, I think Nissan Altima. I do not think that this was another vehicle he had access to.”

After Mcneill was taken home, the officers received another report around 2:15 by a hit and ran. The officers were able to connect McNeill County’s car to that incident and arrested it for two accusations of DUI offenses and a hit offense.

KCSO said that McNeill is currently on leave.

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