
Big Flats Om arrested following the internal incident

Big Flats Om arrested following the internal incident

Big Flats – a local man was arrested following an internal incident in the Chemung County area, authorities said on Wednesday.

Trevor D. Dieffenbach, 42 years old, from Big Flats, was accused on Tuesday in grade 2, a Class D crime and a criminal evil in grade 4, a class A.

He was notified in the Big Flats Town Court, where a protective order was issued.

Dieffenbach was withdrawn in the prison in Chemung County, with a bail established at $ 50,000 in cash or a ownership of $ 200,000.

In a separate incident, Timothy J. Lewis, Jr., 35 years old, from Elmira, was arrested on Tuesday for Petit Larceny, a class A.

The tax followed a complaint on the Tops market in the city of Southport.

Lewis received a ticket to appear in the Southport Town Court at a later date.