
Local Council Votes to change the TEQUILA City Sign

Local Council Votes to change the TEQUILA City Sign

The Council of Thompson voted between 3 and 2, to pass a motion that requires the Tequila Town restaurant, recently, to change its sign to request a new liqueur license.

The city of Tequila is located 1500 meters from an Esko school, according to Minnesota statues, the business should not obtain a liqueur license unless an exemption is granted by the Board of Directors.

The members of the Board of Directors have expressed the discomfort that the signaling for the restaurant, explains the name of a intoxicating liqueur.

The past movement lists several conditions for Tequila Town to request a new liqueur license, including the change of sign, so that it does not refer to a intoxicating drink or to use the word bar.

If the city of Tequila still wants to request a liqueur license, they may, but the Local Council must approve it.