
Indian states have obtained 69 Lakh Cyber ​​Tipline reports after Mou with US- Week

Indian states have obtained 69 Lakh Cyber ​​Tipline reports after Mou with US- Week

The Ministry of Interior of the Union has launched 133.53 RS in financial assistance in accordance with the Cyber ​​and Children’s Crime Prevention Scheme (CCPWC) to the states and territories (UTS) until March 31, 2024. Karunanidhi.

The funds were allocated to strengthen the cyber defense capacity, including the establishment of forensic cyber laboratories, hiring junior cyber consultants and training the law enforcement personnel, public prosecutors and judicial officers.

In particular, 93.13 crore (69.74 percent of the total fund) were allocated in 2017-18, while no funds were paid in 2018-19. In 2023-24, the total of the allocated funds amounted to 10.69 lei.

The data indicates that most states received only a minimum amount after 2017-18, some have not received funds at all that year, even if the states/UTs are primarily responsible for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of crimes, including computer crime.

Indian cyber crime coordination Center (I4C) has been established as an office attached to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to address computer information in a coordinated way. As part of the I4C, the National Cyber ​​Crime Reporting Portal has been launched to allow the public to report all types of cyber incidents, with a special focus on crimes against women and children. The reported cases are managed by the respective states and UTS.

In recent years, a training curriculum has been developed for the law enforcement staff, public prosecutors and judicial officers to improve their ability to investigate and follow computer crime. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Union, over 24,600 people received training under the CCPWC scheme.

Despite these initiatives, concerns persist if the existing framework is sufficient to combat the rapidly evolving landscape of computer crime, especially those concerning women and children. In particular, many of these offenses involve inter-state and international networks, complicating application efforts.

In February 2019, the Union government approved a memorandum of understanding (Mou) between India and the United States. Subsequently, a mou was signed with the National Center for children stuck and operated (NCMEC), USA, to receive reports on online child pornography and sexual exploitation of children. To date, states and UTS have received 69 Cyber ​​Tipline Cyber ​​reports, emphasizing the extent of the problem.

In order to strengthen the forensic cyber capabilities, the Government of the Union, in recent years, has set up the National Cyber ​​Laboratory (samples) in Hyderabad, which supports the forensic investigations, ensures the preservation of the samples and reduces the transformation time and the National Cyber ​​Laboratory (investigation) of the New Delhi officers, which offer New Delhi. The Delhi Laboratory has already assisted in about 11,835 cases.

In September 2024, the Government set up a Cyber ​​Fraud Mitigation (CFMC) to facilitate cooperation between banks, financial intermediaries, telecommunications service providers, IT companies and law enforcement agencies for real -time actions against cyber fraud.

In addition, seven common cyber coordination teams (JCCT) have been formed in cyber hotspots to increase coordination between state/UT law enforcement agencies, especially in cases involving multiple jurisdictions. Until February 2024, the Union government blocked more than 3.2 SIM Lakhs cards and 49,000 IMEIS related to fraud and cyber crimes.