
The chief of the Ngada police, assumed by sexual abuse of children

The chief of the Ngada police, assumed by sexual abuse of children, jakarta – Inactive The chief of the Ngada police AKBP Fajar Widyadharma Lukman SumatMaja was transferred to the National Police of the Center headquarters (Yanma). This reinsurance order was issued after Fajar was accused of drug use, sexually abused by a minor and sold explicit videos on an Australian pornographic site.

The transfer was formalized in the Telegram letter of the head of the National Police no. ST/489/III/Kep/2025, issued on March 12, 2025. The letter includes the audit verification to confirm its legitimacy.

“Akbp Fajar Widyadharma Lukman, Ngada Police Chief of East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, Has Been Reassign As a Mid-Level Officer at Yanma Polri,” The Letter Stated, as Quoted by Tempo Thursday, March 13, 2025.

By the same letter, the position of Police Chief of Ngada was assigned to AKBP Andrey Valentino, who previously held the position of police chief in Nagekeo, East Nusa Tenggara.

Earlier, investigators in the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of Police at Nusa Tenggara in East have revealed that there was a victim identified in charges of children against the head of the inactive police.

“The victim is a six-year-old child,” said the director of investigating the police criminal in East Nusa Tenggara, Kombes Patar Silalahi, in a press conference at the Regional Police headquarters, on the afternoon of March 11, 2025, as reported by Antara.

According to Silalahi, Fajar arranged for a minor through a woman identified as “F.” After agreeing on the request, F was looking for children and brought the victim to a hotel reserved for the fault.

During the hotel investigation, police Discovered identification evidence, including a photocopy of the driving license of the Fajar at the reception. “There is no doubt. At the hotel reception, a copy of the driving license was found at the hotel reception under the name of FWSL,” said Silalahi.

Currently, the head of the inactive Police of NGADA has not officially declared a suspect in the case of abuse of children. In addition to accusations of sexual abuse on children, the fajar is also suspected of misuse of drugs.

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