
Preliminary probe a necessity before submitting cases against teachers for disciplining students: High Kerala Court

Preliminary probe a necessity before submitting cases against teachers for disciplining students: High Kerala Court

In addition, the judge stressed that there is an increasing tendency of criminal complaints against teachers and that many teachers are hesitant to apply the discipline due to the fear of such criminal prosecution.

The judge acknowledged that some teachers can get involved in an incorrect behavior. However, he added that the entire didactic community should not be maligated because of such cases.

Nowadays, criminal cases are registered against teachers based on the complaints of their students or parents of their students who support improper behavior, attack, etc. There may be rare cases in which some teachers could have committed some crimes. But for this reason, the entire didactic community cannot be blamed. They cannot teach their students under threat of registration of criminal cases. “” The judgment of March 10 said.

The court added that teachers who discipline students with minor penalties should be protected from criminal prosecution.

This is only to strengthen our education system and also to protect the interests of the Student Community, which are the future of our nation. No teacher should suffer because he advised a student or gave minor punishments for his indiscipline and behavior. “ said.