
What’s on the ballot in Hays County?

What’s on the ballot in Hays County?

HAYS COUNTY, TexasWhile all eyes on November 5 are on the presidential race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, in Hays Countythere are a few races that people follow.

Early voting is already underway. Here’s what you need to know.

RELATED: Where to vote: Hays County early voting locations

Below is a look at the candidates and who is running in the contested election. Click on the candidate’s name to get more information.

There are also proposals on the ballot for CITIES and school districts.

Elections at the county level

Hays County Sheriff

Judge, County Court 3

district clerk

County Commissioner, Pct. 3

Constable, point 2

Proposal A

Hays County has requested a road bond election, asking for $439,634,000 to address substandard roads to improve safety and increase capacity.

The bond focuses on projects already in the planning process to ensure project continuity and includes shovel-ready projects, according to the county.

The 2024 road bond would add a total of $0.02 per $100 valuation to the county tax rate, which is recommended at $0.35 per $100 valuation.

Read more about the 2024 Road Bond here.

City elections

The city of Austin


Kyle town

Local Council, District 5

City of San Marcos


Local Council, 5th Place

City Council, 6th Place

Town of Woodcreek

City Council members (vote for none, one, two or three)

  • Russell Scott

  • Gloria Whitehead

  • The Bailey line

  • Chrys Grummert

  • Eric Eskelund

  • William Scheel

School districts

Blanco ISD

Blanco ISD has called for VATRE elections for November.

The district says it faces a $1.2 million budget shortfall for the 2024-25 school year.

If VATRE is approved in November, BISD would generate about $400,000 annually. In addition to these local funds, an approved VATRE would generate approximately $28,000 in state funding.

The district says that while those funds would not eliminate the deficit, they would be used for teacher and staff incentives, maintaining current class sizes and preserving programs for students.

If a VATRE is approved by voters in November, the district’s maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rate would increase by 2 cents.

Funds generated under VATRE permits are exempt from recapture, ensuring that none of these funds will be returned to the state.

Learn more about VATRE from Blanco ISD here.

San Marcos CISD

San Marcos CISD requested a VATRE.

The district says the board has adopted a $17.2 million budget deficit for the 2024-2025 school year. Over the past six years, funding for education spending has not kept pace with inflation.

The district also noted that the state legislature did not approve any additional per-student funding this past session and that there are new state mandates that also did not come with additional funding.

SMCISD says that if passed, VATRE would generate an additional $2.8 million in non-recapture funds that would be used for additional teacher and staff compensation.

If passed, the total tax rate would increase to $1.0152 per $100 valuation, a 0.024 increase from last year. If rejected, the tax rate would still increase to $0.9952 per $100 valuation, a 0.004 increase from last year.

Learn more about VATRE at San Marcos CISD here.

Wimberley ISD

Administrator, 1st Place

Administrator, 2nd Place

  • Nathan Cross (owner)

  • Lindsey Deringer

Austin Community College District

Board of Directors, 7th Place

  • Sherri Lynn Taylor

  • Cole Wilson

Board of Directors, 9th Place