
Pastor John-Paul Miller accused of raping a teenager: trial

Pastor John-Paul Miller accused of raping a teenager: trial

Pastor John-Paul Miller from Solid Rock to Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, wipes tears while praising his wife's kidnapping, Mica Miller, on May 5, 2024.
Pastor John-Paul Miller from Solid Rock to Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, wipes tears while praising his wife’s kidnapping, Mica Miller, on May 5, 2024. | YouTube/Solid Rock

Less than a year after the suicide of his wife Mica Miller, Pastor John-Paul Miller from Solid Rock to Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was accused of raping a 15-year-old girl more than 25 years ago and sexually assaulted her again in 2023.

Affirmations against John-Paul Miller by woman identified as Jane Doe #1 of Indiana appear in a 43 pages Departed on Tuesday at the Horry County Circuit Court in South Carolina.

Named that the defendants are Miller, his father, Regina Wayne Miller and their connected religious organizations – all the Cathedral Church of the Nations, the Baptist Church of the Great Beach Cathedral and solid rock ministries.

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“For years, John-Paul Miller … and Regina Wayne Miller … have presented themselves as devoted religious leaders. They have built their reputation in the Myrtle Beach community and not only as people of faith, dedicated to spread the word of God and to train the future leaders of the Church. But this image was a lie.”

“Behind their religious facade, John-Paul Miller and Reginald Wayne Miller committed themselves into sexual abuse and predatory behavior-often using minors. They used their power positions to manipulate and exploit vulnerable victims, as they hide their actions from the public.”

The woman in Indiana sues the defendants for negligence, civil conspiracy, assault and battery, the crime of emotional suffering and the violation of the law on unfair commercial practices.

Millers are accused of carrying out their ministries not only to serve God, but to continue their “predatory behavior”.

“Their churches and entities worked without adequate protection for minors, creating an environment in which abuse could prosper. In information and beliefs, this was not accidental – it was part of a calculated plan for the victims of the groom, while simultaneously obtained the confidence of the community and the financial support,” presents the complaint.

The trial refers to April 27, 2024, on April 27, 2024, suicide at Lumber River Park in Robeson County, North Carolina. Many of the critics of Pastor John-Paul Miller have claimed that he played a role in the death of his late wife, whom he denied. He was not accused of her death, even after a FBI search of her house in November last year.

“Recently, the death of John-Paul Miller’s ex-wife, Mica Frances Miller, again drew attention to both John-Paul Miller and Reginald Wayne Miller,” says the trial. “The relationship of Mica Frances Miller with John-Paul Miller was deeply disturbed. In information and beliefs, exemplified the power and control he exercised over the Church.”

“The defendants – both individually and together – built, maintained and hid a sexual conduct system that affected many minors, including the plaintiff Jane Doe #1,” the registration added.

According to Jane Doe, on July 19, 1998, she met John-Paul Miller, a 19-year-old leader, on a hall near his father’s office, at the Baptist Church of the Cathedral, where they committed themselves into a “seemingly innocent conversation”.

John-Paul Miller is accused of forcing her in his father’s office, where he was supposed to overcome her before moving it to his truck on the property “where he raped” at 15 years old.

“At the time of the attack, the applicant was a virgin,” says the trial.

The victim claimed that, in the months that followed, she fought with shock, shame and fear, while presented “clear signs of trauma, including severe depression, social withdrawal from family and friends, declining academic performance and emotional suffering and self -doubt.”

According to the trial, Jane Doe was not equipped to effectively process the rape she experienced when it happened, so she suppressed it.

“At that time, she did not fully understand the nature of what happened to her or the magnitude of the evil she caused. The trauma was deeply buried, and for decades, she had no conscious memory,” the trial said.

Only to another alleged abusive meeting with John-Paul Miller in 2023, while she was with a friend, that the repressed memory came.

“Despite the fact that she was in a public setting, (John-Paul Miller) bent into Jane Doe #1 as if she had hugged her and threw her hand on her pants, touching her genital organs,” notes the process.

Juratory statements from Alison Williams, John-Paul’s ex-wife, and Susan Miller, the former wife of Regina Wayne, claim that both men were sexually inadequate.

“The plaintiff is informed and believes that JPM has recognized openly that he was engaged in a sexual conduct with minor members of solid rock ministries, an admission that was corroborated by several witnesses,” says the process.

“In her swearing statement, Alison Williams (former Miller) confessed that JPM confessed that she was sexually inadequate with several minor members of their church. JPM tried to justify her behavior, blaming her own history of childhood abuse by her father,” RWM continues.

“Williams’ statement states that when the sexual conduct of the JPM became known by the management of the Church, it asked to enroll in a program of rehabilitation of sexual addiction. However, after information and beliefs, it has never respected.”

The warehouse accuses John-Paul Miller and his church leadership to work “to suppress the accusations and to silence the victims, allowing his continuous leadership within the Church.”

“This failure to investigate and allow the JPM to maintain the access of young congregants to continue their predatory behavior,” adds the process.

Contacted by MyhorryNews On Wednesday, John-Paul Miller’s lawyer, Russell Long, said he had no comment on the trial. John-Paul Miller refused to comment on the accusations when he was reached by the media.

The judicial registrations previously reported by the Christian post show that, before its suicide, Mica Miller laid the divorce of her husband in October 2023, but the reasons were not declared.

The case was finally rejected in February. A few days later, Pastor Miller submitted “separate support and maintenance”, seeking financial support. Little Miller will submit for similar support in April 2024. A hearing was scheduled for June 5. On April 27, two days after serving her husband with divorce documents, Mica Miller was found dead due to a self-inflicted weapon bird in her head of Lumber River, North Carolina.

In a Sworn statement Divided by X by the protest and filed as part of his request to serve as a special administrator for his sister’s estate, Sierra Francis said that Mica Miller served her husband with divorce documents on April 25 and that she is looking forward to being free.

“My sister was full of hope for her future after lodging the divorce of John-Paul,” Francis wrote in the statement.

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