
“I couldn’t believe what I saw”

“I couldn’t believe what I saw”

Yellowstone National Park offers a background for incredible images, and a photographer took a look at a bison stamp.

Unofficial networks The image of the photographer shared Jeff Vanuga from a post on Instagram of chaos, surprising the last bison of a group that charged to a lot of people. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

It is the middle of winter in Yellowstone, so the Earth is covered in white and filled with a snow fog that the bison begins. In front of the bison is a line of people who are frantically trying to get out of the way.

Vanuga explained that the spectators observe the wolves killing a bison cow about 100 meters below the road, but then a bison flock started to charge.

Vanuga wrote: “Everyone ran and scattered while Bizon slammed through people, snow coaches and snow motorcycles.”

While the bison is incredibly to meet in your visit to Yellowstone, they are also unpredictable.

Conformable Unofficial networks“Bison has hurt more people in Yellowstone than any other animal.” I can also “run three times faster than people.”

Yellowstone National Park The safety rules recommend staying at least 25 meters away from bison. At 100 meters, the photos respect the guidelines, but it shows the unpredictable nature of the bison.

There were many incidents of tourists who were too close to the bison. For example, a group of tourists Caught on the video was too close to a bison while trying to take pictures of him, and the bison took a few steps in a loading manner.

Another tourist Remove on a bison when the grazing, just to turn and throw it toward it. Fortunately, the man managed to run safely.

These tourists were lucky, but not everyone was. June last June, CBS News He reported that “an 83 -year -old woman was seriously injured when she was taken by a bison to the Yellowstone National Park.”

National Park He warned that “the approach of wild animals can drastically affect their welfare and, in some cases, their survival.”

In a case, the park officials were forced to take down a bison calf due to a meeting with a park visitor, CNN reported.

Conformable YellowstoneThe bison is vital to the park ecosystem. For more than 10,000 years, “their grazing models have created successive vegetation, influenced natural fire regimens and provided small habitats, birds and mammals.”

Instagram users were amazed by the image the photographer could capture.

A user said: “So much confusion and energy and adrenaline for them.”

Another commentator described the incident as “incredible and natural”.

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