
Two men from Taiwani arrested for burglary at Tokyo

Two men from Taiwani arrested for burglary at Tokyo

Tokyo police arrested two men in Taiwan on Thursday because he had entered a 69-year-old man in Ward Nimrea in Tokyo and stole 18.5 million ($ 124,000) in November last November.

Lin Yu-Hung, 31 years old and Lin Chun-Ku, 43, were arrested under the suspicion, resulting in wounds. The two left Japan the day after the incident took place, but were arrested at Narita Airport, when they reviewed Japan on Thursday.

According to investigators, the two entered the house of the elderly man in the Oizumi district of Nrimima Ward, around 2:40, on November 30. The suspects would have hit the man, who was sleeping at the time of interruption, several times, causing injuries that lasted three weeks to heal and stole a backpack with 18.5 million in cash and an official document for the real house register.

The two men arrived at Narita Airport with a short residence visa two days before the incident and rented a car near the airport that was reserved before coming to Japan, according to investigators.

The video films of a security camera installed near the incident site showed the suspects who were walking around the neighborhood a few hours before the entrance and then running afterwards.

The male inhabitant had been the victim of fraud before. As the two suspects do not speak Japanese, the police believe that they are unlikely to be involved in a series of robberies that have taken place in the metropolitan area since last year.

Translated by Japan Times