
The case of danger offense goes on News, sports, jobs

The case of danger offense goes on News, sports, jobs


Elkins – the probable cause was found in the case of a woman in Randolph County, accused of danger of wishing involved a firearm, after firing several rounds with a rifle “People who spy them up.”

Cassandra Nicole Spencer, 52, appeared on Wednesday at the court of Randolph County Magistrate for a preliminary hearing. Spencer is accused of a number of danger of desire involving a firearm, a crime. It is currently owned in Tygart Valley regional prison, with an obligation of $ 10,000.

At the beginning of the meeting, lawyer Paul Gwaltney, who appeared on behalf of Spencer’s lawyer, James Hawkins Jr., asked Randolph County, Mike Dyer “An excellent financial situation.”

The deputy prosecutor of Randolph County, Leckta Poling, argued against any change in bonds, stating that the obligation was sufficient, as established due to the use of a firearm in the incident.

Dyer denied the modification of the bonds and agreed with the subsequent modification of the criminal prosecution that if Spencer makes bonds, he will not be allowed to remain in any residence with firearms. The obligation has already stipulated that if Spencer makes bonds, he will not be allowed to hold firearms.

Deputy J. Wolfe with the Sheriff’s office in Randolph County, who was the arrest officer, was called to the criminal prosecution to testify. Wolfe said he responded to a Spencer call on February 15 at Georgetown Road. He said Spencer had previously called the police because he saw “People who spy them up.”

“Miss. Spencer believed that there were people over the road that spies them and had pictures of trees and things and there was no one there,” Wolfe told the court.

Wolfe said that while talking to Spencer, he pointed to the shell on the porch and in the yard and said, “Here I fired tonight.”

According to the criminal complaint written by Wolfe, Spencer advised that he used a caliber rifle .16 and that he shot “high” Because she wasn’t “Trying to hit anyone.”

“Well, I pull it on the peaks of the trees, but they … I stay here and I have pictures of them, I stay here day and night, wearing camo, it is difficult to choose them, you know, if you do not know what you are looking for.” Spencer said, according to Wolfe’s criminal complaint.

Spencer was supposed to tell Wolfe that people “Harassment” they are “Children” that “Speak loudly.” Spencer also told Wolfe that he usually pulls every night because “I come every night.”

When asked by Poling about how far the residence of Spencer was from the road, Wolfe explained that Spencer’s house is about 20 meters from the road and is near a blind S-Turn and two other houses. Wolfe also explained that the Spencer porch said he had shot the faces on the road.

Wolfe said that Spencer initially emphasized that he shot across the road, but when he later asked to demonstrate where he targeted the discharged rifle, Spencer targeted “To the north, Georgetown Road”, “ And he said he had drawn in this direction.

Wolfe said that there is usually a heavy traffic level on Georgetown Road, mostly because of people trying to avoid the American route 219. Wolfe also said he frequently drives this route and sees people ride, ride the dogs and riding a bicycle.

Wolfe said he also spoke to Spencer’s mother, who was residing at the time, who confirmed that Spencer had shot more that night. Mom also told Wolfe that she hadn’t seen anyone in the woods, “Only the pictures.”

During cross -examination, Gwaltney asked Wolfe if she knows the lethal interval for a caliber rifle, to which Wolfe replied that she does not know the exact range.

Also, Gwaltney asked if Wolfe left to talk to Spencer’s neighbors, if there had been a 911 call from any of Spencer’s neighbors or if he was aware of any missing person from Randolph county around the incident period. Wolfe answered not every question.

“So, at this time and time, it is not believed to be someone who was actually hurt by these shootings, is it correct?” Gwaltney asked.

“Yes, sir,” “ Wolfe replied.

Spencer had also been accused separately by a number of false reports, a crime. Poling said that fake reporting charges appeared on January 28. A hearing to modify the bonds for this accusation took place after the preliminary process. It is owned in Tygart Valley regional prison for this fee for a dollars bond only in cash.

Gwaltney told Randolph County Magistrate, Benjamin Shepler “It seemed to be denied.”

Poling said it did not oppose the changes in the form of the connection, but there were reasons to believe that Spencer may or may not in a modified mental state due to what has led to separate charges and crimes and that additional procedures could be needed.

Gwaltney explained that he thought Hawkins would probably request a mental evaluation for Spencer in the Circuit court in Randolph.

Shepler said he would make no change in Spencer’s connection for crimes; However, he added that if the bond was modified to the Court Circuit for the Crime case, it would be “More than happy to have fun” Modification of bonds for crimes.