
More robbed vehicles in Pabna

More robbed vehicles in Pabna

A bold robbery took place on Saturday in Pabna, when the robbers placed tree trunks on the road, stopping several vehicles, including buses and trucks.

The incident took place around 1:30, near the Chechaniya Bridge, on the Road Pabna-Sathyia. Saidur Rahman, a pregnancy officer (OC) of the Police Section of the Utehyia, confirmed the incident.

According to police and local sources, the robbers initially stopped a cargo truck, placing trees on the road next to the bridge. In a few moments, several other vehicles, including buses and trucks, became caught. About 40 to 50 robbers, armed with models, knives and other household weapons, began to rob vehicles one by one. Some vehicles were vandalized, while the robbers were trying to open the gates. During the robbery, transport workers and passengers were beaten, and their mobile phones, money and other valuables were stolen. The chaos lasted about an hour.

Abdus Salam, an Islamic speaker whose vehicle was also targeted, shared a video on Facebook, describing the terrible incident. He said, “A short time ago, a violent robbery took place on this road. The robbers placed tree trunks on the road and attacked the vehicles. They suddenly attacked our car, repeatedly hitting it before forcing the driver to open the gate. The robbers kept the knife.

Salam also mentioned that a foreign expatriate was attacked, who returns home to a hiece car. The robbers beat several people and robbed everything in the vehicle. The robbers continued to target all the vehicles, vandalizing some and beating many of the passengers.

The local member of Union Parishad, Babu commented: “I heard about the incident, but I still do not have all the details. Although the road is not very busy, several vehicles pass on this route to Dhaka through Bera and Baghabari.”

OC Saidur Rahman from the Police Station in the sathyia said: “I sent the police immediately after receiving the report. While they cannot provide specific details, several vehicles have been plundered. If formal complaints are filed, we will research and take appropriate measures.”