
The parent is looking for ideas after observing the child’s unique game habit: “Children generally appreciate novelty”

The parent is looking for ideas after observing the child’s unique game habit: “Children generally appreciate novelty”

A Redditor has recently reached R/anticonsum Community for ideas about the fun of their child.

“My child loves the” toy “that I made from broken pieces from a magazine filled inside a box of empty tissues,” said Original poster. “He also likes to snatch the pages in ribbons. I am looking for other ideas like this -” toys “and activities made from household objects. We do many things to mix bowls, but I seek to get the creative ideas of others! (Yes, we have a lot of toys and books that I love too!”

It is a wonderful spirit to take over, because it helps to save money on new toys. This practice also helps maintain useless garbage outside the landfills, once the child exceeds certain toys. Items in waste deposits can cause significant damage as chemicals flowThe gases are Released into the atmosphereand microplastic are spilled in waterways and eventually in the ocean.

Coming with toys also avoids the need for production. Pollution from production is highAs the Yale Environment School reported, and the amount of modern plastic toys can do unsafe for young childrenon science daily. Fortunately, there are some brands trying to do better.

Did you know that there is something like toys subscription services? This way, your young children can remain amused without you need to become as inventive as the initial poster here. See it Guide for toy subscription services To find out how to start.

The members of the Reddit community were eager to gather with their suggestions to keep the children fun with durable materials.

“I was offered a broken TV remote control with distant battery and battery compartment only in case,” suggested Top commentator.

“Scaveger hunters are also fun!” suggested another. “You can do them with things around the house (for example, an article for each color of the rainbow, things that are representative for different shapes) … Children, generally (appreciate) the novelty more than the toy or the real project, so mix it and become creative!”

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