
Be aware of the weather! It is the severe week of preparing the weather! – Newstalk Kzrg

Be aware of the weather! It is the severe week of preparing the weather! – Newstalk Kzrg

As we approach the Sever’s Traditional Meteorological Season, Newstalk Kzr and the National Meteorological Service in Springfield promotes Severe Week to prepare the weather!

We use March 3-7 to promote the severe preparation of the time!

Monday It’s all about how you receive weather information. While listening to Newstalk Kzr and download the Zimmer Storm Center app are excellent ways to stay alert, you should have more ways to get forecasts, watches and warnings.

David Holden, the director of Emergency Situations Management Joplin, encourages you to use a NOAA meteorological radio that offers a warning signal when the area is under a clock or warning.

“The advantage of having a meteorological radio is that you hear the alerts directly from the National Meteorological Service and you are kept aware of the warning status. The phone applications also provide current notifications and information that is useful in severe weather. “

Tuesday He takes a look at the deadly power of lightning. Lightning strikes the United States about 25 million times a year. Although most lightning appears in summer, people can be hit at any time of the year. Lightning kills about 20 people in the US every year, and hundreds are seriously injured.

There is no safe place apart when storms are in the area. If you hear thunder, it is probably a striking distance of storm. Just remember, when Thunder screams, go inside. If you see a flash, take a line! Too many people are waiting for too much time to get to a safe place when the storms are approaching. Unfortunately, these delayed actions lead to many of the deaths and wounds of lightning.

Tornadoes will be the subject Wednesday.

In case of tornado, here are some safety rules for the tornado to keep you and your family safe:

  • Generally get as low as possible. A basement below ground level or lowest floor of a building offers the highest safety. Put as many walls between you and outside. Avoid windows at any price!
  • Tornadoes could be dark by rainfall or come at night. Don’t wait until you see or hear the tornado, it can be too late.
  • Do not waste time opening or closing windows and doors. Will not protect the structure. You will only waste time and put on yourself and others at a higher risk. Use those valuable seconds to find a safety place.
  • In houses or public buildings: Go to the basement or in a small interior room, such as a closet, a bathroom or an inner room at the lowest level. Close all the doors on the hall for greater protection. If possible, you reach under something robust as a heavy meal. Protect -you from flying residues with pillows, heavy coats, blankets or blankets. Use bicycle headphones or motorcycles to protect your head.
  • In the mobile houses: go long before the weather that is severely approaching and going to a strong building. If there is no shelter nearby, enter the nearest ditch, low point or underground subvert. Leave it flat, covering your head with hands for protection.
  • In vehicles or outdoors: when tornadoes are possible, limit your plans outdoors or finish it early. Stay close to a robust shelter. If it is caught outside, find shelter in a ditch or stay in your vehicle and cover the head for protection. Do not shelter under a motorway passage, where the wind speed can increase due to a tuning effect. It is best not to put yourself or others in a situation where a resistant shelter is not available.
  • Remember, stay away from doors, windows, exterior walls and protect -your head!

On Wednesday, at 11:00, the state emergency management and the National Meteorological Service will perform a severe state -level meteorological tornado. This drill is permitted by the weather and there will be no reserve date. Joplin/Jasper County, Carthage & Webb City will move their monthly regional warning test, from second Wednesday to March 5, to coincide with Wednesday with the state tornado.

Each school, citizen and business are encouraged to participate in the exercise.

Residents should treat exercise as if it were a tornado warning. The exercise aims to test the availability of everyone for severe meteorological events that can endanger life, such as tornadoes, lightning floods and harmful winds. Local officials are encouraged to sound warning sirens to initiate the drill.

For more details about Joplin’s storm sirens and shelter tips, go to

Thursday It’s all about the wind and hail. Severe storms produce a variety of meteorological dangers, including large hail and harmful straight line winds.

Severe storms that produce harmful winds exceeding 60 mph and big hail can be a threat to life and properties. The harmful straight line winds are much more common than tornadoes and can be just as deadly.

Those outdoors during a severe storm are particularly vulnerable. Boaters and champions should be especially attentive to the potential of severe storms. Big winds associated with severe storms can hit suddenly. The winds that exceed 60 km / h can easily staple the boats and endanger the campsite due to the fall of the trees.

Friday Ends the week with tips to stay safe during floods.

Usually, floods result in more victims of time than any other danger related to the storm. Why? Many of the deaths appear in cars because they are sweeps downstream. Of these drownings, many can be prevented, but too many people continue to drive on an flooded road.

One of the main flooding dangers and the causes of flooding deaths is driven in and by low water. Every year, a few adventurous drivers try to cross flooded roads and fail. Learn more about low water crossings.