
The multi-level assistance project in Nevada stimulates K-12 competence and national behavior

The multi-level assistance project in Nevada stimulates K-12 competence and national behavior

Reno, nev. (Kolo) – The project support system with multiple levels in Nevada (MTSS), hosted within the Center for Excellence in Nevada for Desllence at the College of Education and Human Development at UNR, continues to take steps in improving the results of students from all over the state. The project is designed to respond proactive to the needs of the students and to prevent challenges before occurrence. According to the program leaders, MTSS offers a structured framework that favors academic success, behavioral improvements and general students.

“The multi -level assistance project started about 10 years ago. I have worked with the Department of Education in Nevada for a decade to implement multi-level support systems in school districts, “said Ashley Greenwald, PH.D., BCBA-D, LBA, director of the Positive Nevada Technical Assistance Center

The director says that schools with a strong MTSS implementation ratio have improved academic results, fewer behavioral incidents and improved school climate. The MTSS initiative has shown a measurable success in the schools in Nevada. Those with greater fidelity in the implementation of MTSS have registered substantial improvements in the key fields, including increased students’ participation, increased mathematics and English arts (ELA) and reductions in behavioral incidents, such as intimidation, violence, abuse of substances and discrimination. In addition, districts have made notable progress in preventing opioid abuse, several reporting substantial improvements in addressing this critical issue.

This project is funded by the Education Department of Nevada and the Human Health and Services Department of Nevada.

Nevada MTSS focuses on preventing by building a strong foundation for students to learn and prosper, as well as early identification of challenges, as opposed to the occurrence of crises. “We look at the development of systems to identify students who need additional support and then to provide interventions for those students who monitor the quality of these interventions. Make sure they are based on evidence and then make sure we get results of students by monitoring progress and making data decisions, ”said the director.

The project covers 14 counties in Nevada. Rural and metropolitan. Students in need of assistance are placed in three levels.

Schools that implement MTSS with fidelity have registered a marked increase in efficacy, with level 1 fidelity increasing from 58% to 65%, level 2 from 14% to 41% and level 3 from 8% to 20%. Level 1 support focuses on prevention by implementing high quality training practices and positive behavior interventions, including setting clear expectations at school level and teaching positive behavior. At level 1, schools select additional practices based on the needs of their unique students. Level 2 identifies students who can be considered risk and provides support for those who need additional help for academics, behavioral or social-emotional skills through small group interventions. Level 3 offers intensive, individual interventions for students who face significant and/or ubiquitous challenges, including severe mental health and problems.

“The challenge is that there are so many students in schools,” said Greenwald. “Often, teachers do not have time to meet the students in the classrooms, because they are so focused on teaching academics. One of the things I feel is indeed necessary is the soft skills and the ability to connect and get to know people as people, before they can teach them academic skills. You have to really have a relationship. “

Some of the key improvements include a 3.3% reduction in absenteeism, a 2.2% increase in mathematical competence and an increase of 1.1% of the competence in the English arts. Also, the students’ behavior improved significantly, with a decrease of 22.7% of intimidation, a 6.6% reduction in violence and a decrease of 9.6% of incidents involving controlled substances.

Since its launch, the Initiative Nevada MTSS has expanded its coverage to one third of the schools in Nevada, including two new partners add the School District of Minerral County and the School District of Douglas County.