
3 arrested after shopping at the Flowood Sports Items Store

3 arrested after shopping at the Flowood Sports Items Store

Flowood, Miss. (WLBT) – Three men in Vickurg were arrested for shopping at a Flowood sports articles store.

According to the Flowood Police Department, Joel Calvin, 34, Roland Wilbert, 35, and Kieon Jones, 32, stole goods from Academy Sports & Outdoors on Monday.

Joel Calvin, 34 years old, Roland Wilbert, 35, and Kieon Jones, 32 years old
Joel Calvin, 34 years old, Roland Wilbert, 35, and Kieon Jones, 32 years old(Flowood Police Department)

When the officers arrived, the men tried to move away, but were soon arrested.

The three men were accused of running offenses and shopping.

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